GCC TBC English 30 wpm Letter Format

Nitin Walthare
GCC TBC 30 wpm Letter Format
In this article, we learn GCC TBC English 30 wpm Letter Format from scratch. 

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In GCC TBC (Government Certificate in Computer Typing Basic Course), The letter is asked in the exam for 15 Marks. The letter is given on the left-hand side which is the question side and we have to type the same letter and format it as given in question on the right-hand side which is the answer side.

In this article we format the English 30 w.p.m. letter, which is as follows:

First of all, type all the letters and give enters at specific locations and then start the formatting.

1.Name and Address of Company: The name of the company should be Bold and Underline. Select the Name and Address of the company and make the center alignment. Make sure that you should not give extra space and enters. There should one blank line in between the Name and Address of the company and the Reference Number.

GCC TBC 30 wpm and 40 wpm Important Objectives PDF

2. Reference Number and Date: Start typing Reference Number from left Margin then give at least 3 tabs without giving any space and then Type Date. There should be one blank line between “Reference Number” and “To”.
3. Address of addressee: After that, you have to give one enter and in next line Type address. There should be one blank line between Address and Subject.

4. Subject and Reference: Give two tabs to the subject and reference and select subject and reference both with the help of keyboard and mouse and Make Font Bold. There should be one blank line in between Reference and Dear sir.

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5. Salutation: Type Dear sir from the left margin, it should be left align and then press enter. There should not be any blank line in between Dear sir and paragraph.

6. Paragraph and Thanking You: Start every paragraph with 1 tab and there should not be a blank line in between two paragraphs. Select all paragraphs excluding dear sir up to thanking you and apply justify alignment.

7. Yours faithfully, Company Name and Designation: After yours faithfully give two blank lines and then type Company Name and Designation. With the help of a mouse or keyboard select from “Yours faithfully” to “Designation” and drag its left indent to 3.5 and give center alignment.

8.Enclosure: Enclosure should be left-aligned. Do not give extra spaces after the enclosure.

The Formatted Letter of English 30 wpm is given below -

Gcc tbc English 30 wpm Formatted Letter
Marking for Letter Typing:

Total Mark = 15
Total Time = 30 Minutes
Typing = 7.5 Mark
Presentation = 7.5 Mark

Every mistake half marks will be deducted. If the number of Mistakes is greater than 15 or more you will get zero marks.

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Also Read-
Marks for presentation :

1. Heading: 1 Mark
2. Reference No. and Date: 1/2 Mark
3. Address of Recipient: 1 Mark
4. Subject and Reference: 1 Mark
5. Salutation: 1/2 Mark
6. Paragraph: 2 Mark
7. Sign Your Name: 1 Mark
6. Enclosure (Attachment): 1/2 Mark

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