Best free ways to do Keyword Reasearch Using Free SEO Tools

Nitin Walthare
Free Keyword Research Tools
Keyword research is one of the most important parts of blogging. Now the million-dollar question is why keyword research is important. The answer is simple to gain organic traffic from search engines.

Getting organic traffic from Google is not that easy task. You have to find out low competition keywords and the search volume of that keyword should be high so visitors can come to your website.

If you will find such keywords but it is not necessary that it is working in the best way. Finding a perfect keyword is not that easy. I personally use some keyword research techniques and rank keywords on google's first page.

Remember that though you find the perfect keyword, you need to write good content as everyone says content is king.

You should know that Google has lots of search engine ranking factors so that your article meets the search engine requirements so that article may be ranked in google.

There are lots of free and paid keyword research tools are available in the market. Paid tools are the best way to do keyword research but I know that not everyone affords paid keyword research tools at the beginning.

In this article, I will give you a complete guide on how to do keyword research using free tools like paid tools. But first I would like to tell you about what is a keyword in brief.

Assume that you are searching about “How to make Masala Dosa” then it is a keyword. Why you are focusing on google search engines because almost 70-80 % of searches happen on Google.

Google shows millions of results but the top 10 results are so important because most of the traffic drives on the website are from the top 10 results.

As per my knowledge when you search for some particular query, Google shows the most relevant results for a query you searching for. The top 10 results pages are some of the best pages that give you the answer to your question.

Your job is to make content such that the parameter required for google to be ranked. Google has more than 200 factors to rank your web pages in search engines.

If you find a low difficulty keyword that has comparatively low results in google, then it will be easy to be ranked in google. If your keyword is ranked in google, then most of the traffic is driven organically to your website.

But remember one thing here you have to maintain the quality of your article, otherwise, people will not stay in your article more time, and your article will be ranked down. If your one keyword is ranked then automatically your other pages start ranking on google easily.

One thing you should know that every search engine whether it is google, yahoo, bing, etc. each one has a crawler and it crawls your content and gives it a particular number of rankings.

Ranking depends upon your quality of content, page authority and domain authority of your website, etc...

Now many bloggers have a question in their mind that how much time it takes to rank a page on google, my answer is that it totally depends upon your keyword difficulty, how many results on google for a particular keyword, and your content quality.

If peoples are liking your content then definitely google thinks that there is quality information on that page it will rank faster.

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There are lots of free SEO tools are available in the market such as Uber suggest, Keyword keg, Google keyword Planner, The Hoth Keyword Planner.

How to Find out keywords:

First, you need to do some research to find out the keyword. You have to search a keyword in Google itself to get some idea about that keyword. Because Google is a very big search engine. Assume that you need to search about “recipes” then you search on google about “recipes”.

Google will automatically suggest the keyword that peoples are searching about “recipes”. You will also able to find out a number of search results in the Google search engine itself. At the bottom of google's first page, it also shows related searches which help you to give you some more keywords that you are used on your article.

How to do keyword research in Uber Suggest:

Ubersuggest is one of the best free tools to do keyword research. It shows the result on the basis of the google search results. It also shows the average backlinks are required to rank on the first page. It also shows related keywords to a particular keyword. It shows monthly organic searches and cost per click also.

1. First, go to the Official website of Uber Suggest and search for a keyword.
2. Assume we have to search Keyword “Masala Dosa’.
3. Type the keyword in the keyword box and select the country that you want to target and press on search.
4. Ubersuggest will give you Keyword difficulty, Monthly search volume, and cost per click.

Uber suggest Keyword research tool

How to do keyword research in Keyword Keg:

You can do keyword research on the Keyword keg keyword research tool. Here you can search some limited amount of keywords a day, but you can do keyword research here for free.

Keyword Keg Keyword Research Tool

How to do keyword research in Google Keyword Planner:

Searching keyword on google on keyword planner is so easy. You need to go to the google ads website, after sign in with a google account, there is an option for keyword planner. Here you can search the particular keyword and it also shows competition, cost per click, and search volume. You can get some ideas from google keyword planner.

Google Keyword Planner

How to do keyword research in Keyword Everywhere:

You can do keyword research with the help of keyword everywhere extension. You need to install an extension in your browser. When you searching some keyword on google, then it shows related keywords on the right side in Google search page results.

Keyword Everywhere Keyword Research

How to do keyword research in The Hoth Keyword Planner:

You can also do similar keyword research in The Hoth keyword planner. It shows the results the same as Paid tools Semrush.

The HOTH Keyword Research Tool


For beginners, it is ok to do keyword research with a free keyword research tool because I Know not every beginner can afford Paid keyword research tool.

Paid keyword research tools such as ahref and semrush will give nearly accurate results and it increases the probability to rank in the google search engine.

Remember keyword research is important but Creating backlinks for that particular keyword is also important because it increases the authority of the page and there is more chances to rank higher.

I hope you understand all about keyword researching.