How to increase Typing speed

Nitin Walthare
How to increase typing speed
In this article, I will tell you about how to increase typing speed in one month. Typing is one of the most important in blogging as well as other jobs.

You should have good typing speed to do such jobs. One thing is to remember here is you have to go to typing class regularly and practice it. 

What you have to do is you have to go through the basics of typing. First, start practicing the middle line of the keyboard i.e. ASDFGHJKL;'. You have to practice this middle line of the keyboard until you will get a proper command on keys. 
Then you start practicing the upper line of the keyboard i.e. QWERTYUIOP and practice until you will get a command. Lastly, you have to practice the bottom line of the keyboard i.e. ZXCVBNM,./ and practice till you will get command on keys. 

After getting a command on 3 lines of keyboard you have to practice it every day when you are going to a computer typing class.

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After getting a command on keys You will have to start typing the single words. When you get command on typing words start typing sentences. 

After getting a command on keys you can easily type the sentences. Remember that the more you practice, the more you get command on keys. 

The best way to increase your typing speed is to type long paragraphs but meanwhile keep in mind that you have to complete a passage in a given time. 

The time given to complete passage in the GCC TBC computer typing exam is 7 minutes for 30 words per minute, 40 words per minute, and 50 words per minute.

How to manage time in GCC TBC (Government certificate in computer typing basic course) exam:

Now you get command on computer keyboard keys and you start typing easily then one of the most important things is you have to maintain time in the passage. To complete the passage in 7 minutes you have to type the passage consistently without making mistakes.

I recommend you to type a little bit slow when your passage time starts and then increase the typing speed rapidly. 

What happened if you start typing at a higher speed, you make lots of mistakes and lost your confidence in typing and if you start a little bit slower you type correct words and get confidence. You have to type continuously until your passage ends. 

Don't see the time when you type passage, some students lost their confidence while seeing time and they make lots of mistakes while typing.

How to type passage without making mistakes in GCC TBC (Government certificate in computer typing basic course):

If you want to type words without making any mistakes, you have to type the passage with concentration. If your concentration is low and your mind is anywhere instead of passage, then you make a lot of mistakes while typing passage. Concentration is key to type correct words in the passage.

Pro tips to increase your typing speed :

1. Go through the basics of typing thoroughly.
2. Practice is the keyboard every day.
3. Try to type different words.
4. Type the passage with concentration.

Sitting posture for Typing:

You have to sit straight and your back should be in a straight position. Your hands should be bent at the right angle position. keep the comfortable distance between the screen and face. 

Always type the keys without seeing toward keys. Always look straight while typing. If you are not comfortable while typing then take a rest for some time and when you feel good then start typing again. It is important to type fast with accuracy.

Lots of Softwares are available for online typing, you can practice typing by downloading such software. Some of the software are typing master, specific, etc...You can try to practice it regularly so that your speed will be increased day by day with accuracy. 
    You can also purchase online practice software. I suggest you do not use the backspace key or try to minimize the use of the backspace key while typing.

    GCC TBC Complete Theory Video Course

    If you follow these steps, you will definitely, get sufficient speed and you will be able to type passage in time.

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