These Diets and Simple Exercises Helps you to Control Weight in Lockdown

Nitin Walthare

These Diets and Simple Exercises Helps you to Control Weight in Lockdown
In this article, I will give you some diets and exercises which help you to control weight.

We all are in the nationwide lockdown. This is the best time to control weight because we have lots of time now.

Lots of people facing the problem of weight gain. The easiest way to control weight is a healthy diet and exercise.

Losing weight will reduce some of the health problems –

  • High Blood Pressure
  • Heart Disease
  • Diabetes
  • Stroke
  • Cancer
  • Black Pain

Diets -


Fiber is most important to lose weight. Fibers are essential for health. There are two types of fibers, soluble and insoluble, both are important for health. It also helps to balance the hormones. You do not feel hungry for a long time if you consume fibers because fiberization takes a long time. You don’t need to eat more food and your weight remains controlled.


Calcium is very helpful in weight loss. It also helps to keep bones and teeth strong. It also helps in weight gain.


By including it in your body, the kidney and heart work properly. It is one of the most important nutrients. It helps in flushing out many toxins from our bodies.


Salad is beneficial for weight loss. Eating salad maintains the water level in your body. You do not feel hungry if you take salad regularly.


Tomatoes are rich in water and you can lose weight with the help of tomatoes. It is rich in potassium. It is easily available on market.


Watermelon is also rich in water and helps to reduce weight. It is available, especially in the summer season.


You must include curd in your diet. It helps you to cool your body and also helps in weight loss. You can take it alone or with food. Dairy products are rich in proteins.


Lemon is useful for weight loss. It contains citric acid which is sour in taste. Its consumption is beneficial in reducing weight.


Overweight people must include grapefruits in their diet, it is rich in Vitamin c and helps to reduce weight.


Carrot is a great ingredient to lose weight. It contains low calories and high fat. Carrots also boost metabolism and keep weight under control. Apart from this, it helps to digest food easily and also keeps away from problems like constipation, diarrhea.


Ginger contains antioxidants that help in reducing weight and reducing abdominal fat. Apart from this, ginger also helps to suppress your hunger, so that you do not have the craving to eat more and your weight is also controlled.


Broccoli contains calcium and vitamin C which increases metabolism and helps to burn body fat. In addition, it improves fitment and helps control weight. It also controls your hunger. It contains antioxidant that helps to body fight off illness. It prevents fluctuating blood sugar levels.


It increases the metabolism and encourages the body to burn more calories.


It is rich in Vitamin C and also has antioxidant properties.


Cabbage contains antioxidants and vitamin-C which can help in losing weight. Burns abdominal fat as well. The nutrients present in cabbage burn excess body fat and keep the body in shape. So include cabbage in your diet daily.

16.Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are very beneficial for heart health and skin. This keeps hunger under control. Omega-3 fatty acids strengthen metabolism and help to burn calories.

16.Eat More Proteins

Higher protein intake boosts several hormones. This reduces your total calorie intake.

Tips to lose weight in lockdown –

1.Avoid processed food such as biscuits, cakes, snacks, etc…

2.Drink at least two liters of water.

3.Take plenty of sleep.

Exercises –

1.Walking –

The first exercise to lose weight is walking. Walk as much as possible. Drink more water as possible because your body should be hydrated.

2.Get up Every Hour –

You need to increase your movement throughout the day. Sitting in one place may increase your weight.

3.Cycling –

It also burns your excess fat in your body. Wake up early in the morning and go cycling. It helps in losing weight.

4.Get plenty of sleep –

Take at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep. It will increase your energy. You will fill fresh after waking up.

Causes of weight gain in Quarantine –

1.Less Physical Activity –

In a lockdown, we sit at only one place, due to this less physical activity takes place. This is one of the causes of weight gain during quarantine.

2.Eat Processed Food –

Processed food is high in salt, sugar, and saturated fat. Food is not supplied properly in lockdown so we do not have any option to get fresh vegetables and fruits. We eat only frozen and processed foods.

Loneliness –

We do not interact with others in lockdown, which increases loneliness and affects weight gain. It also causes depression, low mood, stress, etc…It also slows the metabolic rate of your body.

I hope you understand how to lose weight in lockdown and follow the simple exercises to lose weight.

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Disclaimer: The information here is based on general assumptions and what experts have said. Consult a doctor if you have any problems.

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