GCC Shorthand Exam Papers Download PDF

Nitin Walthare

GCC Shorthand Exam Papers

In this article, I give you GCC Shorthand Exam Papers for practice and you can also Download PDF.

The long-form of GCC Examination is Government Commercial Certificate Examination. Various typing speed is available in GCC Shorthand exams such as 60 wpm, 80 wpm, 100 wpm, 120 wpm, 130 wpm, 140 wpm, 150 wpm, and 160 wpm.

Today we discuss total marks and total time for each exam and I also give you the previous year GCC Shorthand Exam Papers in PDF for practice.

Let's start with GCC Shorthand 60 wpm.

GCC Shorthand 60 WPM Exam:

There are two sections in GCC Shorthand 60 wpm Exam i.e. Section I and Section II. Total marks for both the section is 100 Marks. The total time for Section I is 20 Minutes and Section II is 1 Hour 15 Minutes.

In Section I, you have to translate words in shorthand language, and in Section II, you have to transcribe the two passages.

GCC Shorthand 60 WPM Section I Practice Paper:

Q.Write the following in English shorthand paying special attention to the neatness and accuracy of outlines.[20 Marks]

A. Write in Shorthand the following Grammalogues:[08 Marks]









B. Write the following phrases in Shorthand:[06 Marks]

1.As well as

2.I had been

3.Rate of interest

4.By all means

5.You will agree

6.I am very glad

C. Write the following contractions/intersections in Shorthand:[06 Marks]




4.I shall arrange

5.Parliamentary Party


GCC Shorthand 60 WPM Section II Practice Paper:

[A] Passage I For Transcription : [Marks: 35+5 For Note Taking]

          Do not worry be happy. Take out all the worries from your mind. So always /be happy. Worry makes you tense and affects the nerves. Whereas laughing and being happy // will keep the whole body fit. Life is like a bicycle, when it is not /// moving it falls. A smile creates happiness. It costs nothing but gives a lot. It //1// enriches those who give.

          We must live and enjoy every minute, every second of life. / Where there are sorrows in our life, there is also happiness. A life of sacrifice // is art and is full of true joy. Until we taste the sorrow, we /// will not be able to know the meaning of true happiness. Life is a bundle //2// of events that may be pleasant or unpleasant. Have courage for the great sorrows of / life and patience for a small one. Sleep in peace, God is awake. Face all // the problems of your life with a smiling face because sorrows and happiness are the /// two main things of life. So, always be cheerful and be bold, because without these //3// things there is no meaning in life. When we have not what we like, we/must like what we have.

          Be cheerful and make everyone around you happy. You smile // an inch but it gives the pleasure of miles. It takes a moment, but the /// memory of it sometimes lasts for long.

          Always remember that smiling brings happiness in life. //4//

[B] Passage Il For Transcription : [Marks: 35+5 For Note Taking]

Dear sir,

          In accordance with the promise made by our representative when he called upon / you last week we have today sent to you, under separate cover, a print of // the latest model of our machine, together with full details relating to it. The machine /// embraces all the ideas and suggestions which you have put forward from time to time ///1// and we are confident that it will meet your requirements in every way. There is / certainly no other machine of its kind in the market at the present time. We // have had this latest model thoroughly tested by a large firm in Bombay and they /// report that it has given satisfaction in every way, doing everything that we have claimed //2// for it. They say that the new driving system which has been fitted is a / great improvement, working very smoothly, and with hardly any noise, which is a very great // consideration where there are a number of other machines working.

          We shall be pleased if /// you could see this latest model working in our showrooms on any working day. //3// The price is Rupees ten thousand only. Carriage paid to your works. Our man would / be sent to erect the Machine, the only charge being in respect of its Railway // Fare. We regret, however, that as we have already received several large orders for this /// popular model we cannot promise delivery within the next three months. 

          Thanking you,

                                                                                                              Yours faithfully, //4//

GCC Shorthand 80 WPM Exam:

There are two sections in GCC Shorthand 80 wpm Exam i.e. Section I and Section II. Total marks for both the section is 100 Marks. The total time for Section I is 20 Minutes and Section II is 1 Hour 15 Minutes.

In Section I, you have to translate words in shorthand language, and in Section II, you have to transcribe the two passages.

GCC Shorthand 80 WPM Section I Practice Paper:

Q.Transcribe the following in English paying special attention to the neatness
and accuracy of outlines: [Marks: 20]

(A) Write the Shorthand the following Grammalogues: [08 Marks]
(1) School 
(2) Cannot
(3) Till 
(4) Significance
(5) Guard 
(6) Quite
(7) Instruction 
(8) Difference

(B) Write the following phrases in Shorthand: [06 Marks]
(1) On the other side 
(2) By some means
(3) Going on 
(4) At all events
(5) I would 
(6) In order

(C) Write the following Contractions and Intersections in Shorthand: [06 Marks]
(1) Influential 
(2) Capital Expenditure
(3) Finance Bill 
(4) Republican
(5) Sympathetic Bill 
(6) Your attention

GCC Shorthand 80 WPM Section II Practice Paper:

[A] Passage I For Transcription : [Marks: 35+5 For Note Taking]

          Production means any sort of work that is done to meet the wants and needs
of other people by means / of exchange. Manufacturers and retailers all have a part
to play in the business of meeting the needs of the // consumer. The manufacturers, of course, make the required goods and retailers buy them and make them more useful.
           They supply /// them at the times and the places at which they are needed. There are also many other people who work //1// to produce services as well as material goods which consumers need. The needs of the consumer can be for two / kinds of goods; that is to say, goods that are used up in a single action, and those that go // on being used for a considerable period of time. Coal and petrol and paper are examples of goods used up in /// a single action while houses and cars are examples of goods that go one being used. In this class //2// of goods, the amount of time for which the goods that can go on being used vary a good deal. A / pen may last only a few months or even a few weeks, if it is used very often but a // house on the other hand can be used for many years, so long as it is kept in good condition. /// Some of the goods bought by consumers belong to one of these two classes and some to the other. Most //3// of the goods which are needed for a single-use have to be bought regularly. When a quantity of petrol / has been used it must be filled in again if the car in kept in use. In the same way, // food has to be bought regularly. However, the kind of goods which last for a time may continue to be /// useful even long after they have been bought and so these goods do not need to be purchased very soon //4//

[B] Passage Il For Transcription : [Marks: 35+5 For Note Taking]

          I have very much pleasure in seconding the resolution which you have just submitted to the meeting. I should / also like to say how happy I am to think back on my relations with the Board of the United // steel companies in the last twelve years. We have always been the happiest family. I believe I have had /// the confidence of the Board and on many occasions, they have helped me in my responsibilities as chief executive officer //1// of the company in a way for which I can only thank them now. In addition to the pleasant relations / I have had with the Board of this company. I also have the happiest thoughts about my relations with the // staff. The bulk of the staff in important positions today have been appointed by me during my twelve years as /// managing director, and all these men have worked most loyally with me during that period. I should like publicly to //2// thank them all for what they have done.
           I feel also in regard to our workers that the happiest relations / exist between them and the management what has been done by this company in the formation of a pension and // life assurance scheme not only for the staff but also the workers is evidence of how closely their interests and /// ours are bound up. We have a fine lot of workmen and they have always come up to scratch. I //3// am very pleased that although I am not to be quite as busy in the future as I have tried / to be in the last few years, in my successor we have a man whom all those sitting at this // table know well. I have been a personal friend of his for a good many years and I feel that /// he is a man who will successfully carry on the work delegated to him as managing director of the company. //4//

GCC Shorthand 100 WPM Exam:

There are two passages in GCC Shorthand 100 wpm Exam. Total marks for both the passage is 100 Marks. The total time for both passages is 2 Hours.

[A] Passage I For Transcription : [Marks: 45+5 For Note Taking]

          The word grade is derived from the Latin word gradus where it means step. Grading is a process wherein the subject may be classified on the / basis of pre-defined standards. In the educational context, grading is essentially a method of communicating measurements of student's achievement. It involves the use of a set // of symbols that ought to be clearly defined and uniformly understood by the student, teachers, parents, and all others concerned. The absence of either of /// these will defeat the very purpose of awarding grades. While developing the grading systems it is of utmost significance that the meaning of each grading //1// symbol is clearly spelled out. Having done so, it becomes obligatory on the part of each examiner to adhere to the specified system of grading. / This would however in no way encroach upon the autonomy of the examiner to determine which grade to award to a particular student. A properly // introduced grading system may not only provide for the comparison of students performance but also indicate the quality of performance with respect to the amount of /// efforts put in and the amount of knowledge
acquired at the end of the course.
          There is no denying the fact that the basis upon //2// which the judgment of awarding the grades is made very considerably from the well-known institution and from examiner to examiner. There seems to be no / common point of reference that makes it possible to compare grades awarded by different examiners and different institutions while using norm-referenced measures. At best // the information that can be inferred from grades is a particularly good student in a given course at a given time with given teachers /// either above average, average or below average, if used three points grade systems in terms of academic achievement. However, the comparison of student's performance //3// across institutions may be made with reference to a specific criterion by employing reference measure. Thus the grades may be used for conveying both be helpful for institutions of higher learning and for employers ///4//

[B] Passage II For Transcription : [Marks: 45+5 For Note Taking]

          In presenting the report and the statement of accounts for the year which ended on the 31st March last the chairman said: As you will / have seen from the report which has been circulated to you, your company has enjoyed a record years trading. It is particularly satisfactory to be // able to state that all of our departments have contributed towards this happy result. Our sales have gone ahead well, and our manufacturing efficiency has /// reached a very high level. It is very gratifying to note that our expense ratio has fallen. This is a very creditable performance when //1// it is remembered that costs are still continuing to rise. The drop in the expense ratio is due to good planning and to an efficiency/drive throughout all our branches. In fact, our position is so good in this respect that I can sum it up by saying that we // have achieved a sales increase of more than six million rupees without any increase in the staff employee. That fully explains the increase in our /// profit figure for the year under review.
          We have this year prepared a booklet called “A Review of the companies Activities” and this has been //2// circulated to all the shareholders. It has, therefore, not been necessary for me to make my statement to the shareholders quite as long as usual. / If you have not read this booklet already, I ask you to do so as I am sure you will find it a most absorbing // summary of the work of this great organization.
          Our total sales at home and abroad amounted to nearly ninety million rupees. This figure represents an /// increase of eight percent over last year and is a truly magnificent achievement. The figure of profit before providing for taxation amounts to seven //3// and a half million rupees. This is an increase of forty-nine percent over last year’s figure and is a remarkable increase to achieve / in the course of one year. As indicated in the financial section of “A Review of the Company’s Activities” the profit gained on the capital // employed by the company amounted to almost 15 percent. This figure reflects the benefit of substantial capital expenditure over a long period of /// years and is not in the circumstances unreasonable.

GCC Shorthand 120 WPM Exam:

There are two passages in GCC Shorthand 120 wpm Exam. Total marks for both the passage is 100 Marks. The total time for both passages is 2 Hours and 20 Minutes.

[A] Passage I For Transcription : [Marks: 45+5 For Note Taking]

Dear Members,

           This is the 31st Annual General Meeting of the Company and it gives me pleasure to welcome you all here on this occasion. The Company has had / yet another successful year marked by a substantial increase both in sales and profits. This was despite very many problems, especially the recurring shortage of raw materials and power cuts, which // I am afraid company managements must learn to live within the for seeable future. In fact, it was the capacity of the management to adapt to the last changing circumstances /// which made the satisfactory results possible.

          In my speech last year I made a specific reference to a few economic issues which were responsible for the current stagnation in production. //1// More particularly I had referred to the shortage of power, inflation, and non-availability of raw materials. I am afraid all these have become more acute during the year. Besides there / has been a serious deterioration in the terms of trade as a result of extraordinarily high prices of oils and other commodities together with shortages of food and other goods. The // has now greatly emphasized the crucial importance of import substitution in addition to vigorous efforts at export promotion. In the situation in which we are placed, it is obvious that /// to former could be achieved in a relatively lesser time span than the latter and thus calls for urgent action. Your Company has made its own contribution in the direction //2// by giving great importance to research and development in the past. This has paid off handsomely and as a consequence of which the Company has been able not only to / continuously improve the quality of its products but develop its own know-how for new products. It has also, in the process, built up a first-class team of scientists // and technologists. The new Research Contre under construction, at a total cost exceeding Rs. 2 crores, is expected to be completed sometime later next year and should provide even /// better facilities for the more creative effort in this area.

          As the progress of the various projects in hand is listed in the Director’s report, I do not wish to elaborate //3// on the same here. I may state that the implementation of the projects both in India and abroad, is being done with good speed in spite of the many difficulties. /

          Relations with the employees were very cordial during the year. The management is fully conscious that its skilled manpower is a most valuable asset and increasing attention is being paid // to improve their welfare. The management and all employees have given a good account of themselves and I would like to express the Board’s very warm appreciation for their due /// contribution. My colleagues on the Board have been a source of constant guidance and I am grateful to them for the keen interest shown by them in the Company’s development. ///4//

[B] Passage II For Transcription : [Marks: 45+5 For Note Taking]

          Goodwill is the salesman’s most valued asset and one which should be safeguarded at all times. When the young man starts his career of selling he starts from zero. / He must earn his goodwill over a period of years. Once he has earned goodwill he finds that he gains the confidence of his customers and his work is made // easier in future selling efforts. Like everything else worth having in this world, there is only one certain way of acquiring a priceless treasure, and that is by hard work. /// Once having acquired such a treasure, hard work is still necessary to retain it. How then does a Salesman go about acquiring such goodwill? Here are some essential
principles //1// which a salesman must follow. He must be honest and straight-forward
in all business dealings. He must never make a promise which cannot be honored. He must be punctual. He / must honor all obligations, no matter how small. He must be trustworthy, reliable, and sincere in all matters. The principles mentioned above are rules of everyday life and do not // need any further emphasis. Let it be sufficient to say that if the person who wishes to accept selling as a career, feels that he cannot follow the above-mentioned principles /// then he should immediately drop all idea of entering salesmanship and seek a career for which he is best suited.
          With the ever-increasing commercial competition and constant search //2// for fresh markets, ambitious and far-sighted salesmen are being given opportunities that never existed before. And in this widening field of opportunity, education plays a very important part. Special/training is given nowadays to produce competent salesman. 
          Every facility is given to the salesman by his company. He is treated with all the respect and consideration of his position // demands. He travels in every comfort and the best hotel accommodation is provided. All that will enable him to maintain the status and dignity of the company which he represents /// is done. The salesman must never forget that he is the sole representative of the company and that the reputation of the company depends on him. His manner of approach //3// and contact must be beyond blame. He must be capable of making quick and sound decisions. His business intelligence must be equal to that of, not only the customer / but the competitor who quite possibly, may not be fair in his dealings. In other words, the salesman must be completely self-dependent and fully alive to every possible contingency. // The remuneration for this highly specialized work is usually commensurate with the education and degree of ability required. In addition, there is the reward of a life full of variety /// and never-ending interest. In case the salesman represents a company which has branches all over the world, he will have the opportunity of visiting many countries in the world. //4//

GCC Shorthand 130 WPM Exam:

There are two passages in GCC Shorthand 130 wpm Exam. Total marks for both the passage is 100 Marks. The total time for both passages is 2 Hours and 30 Minutes.

[A] Passage I For Transcription : [Marks: 45+5 For Note Taking]

          The observation which I wish to make arises from the nature of the business in
which are more spectacular increase has been achieved. You have reminded us that within the last two / years we have initiated in this society two new kinds of insurance business the group insurance and the ‘Safeguard’ policy. The ‘Safeguard’ policy, as all in this room know, is a means whereby // anybody in the event of the untimely death of the breadwinner may ensure that his income shall be continued for a number of years after his death and that during that critical /// and difficult years when his dependents are growing up and need education and maintenance, and when his widow has neither the experience nor the leisure to earn for herself and for her children. //1// provision may be made to protect their interests and to provide the necessary means for their education and maintenance, and that at the same time a lump sum shall be paid when / those critical days are over.
          The fact that this system has met with such an immediate and ready response is
a testimonial to the vision and sagacity of our general manager. Imitation is // the sincerest form of flattery, and we are glad to see that other companies are copying our good example, but I hope the public will not forget that those who were the /// pioneers in the business probably know most about it and are best able to adapt their policies to the particular circumstances of each individual case. Indeed, the fact that we have today, after. //2// I think some twelve months of experience, already a sum of nearly Rs. two lakhs assured by this form of policy proves. I think, that the public does realize what a valuable / provision has been made. I am tempted to repeat what I have often said on other platforms and in another connection, that the success of the safeguarding policy is proved wherever the experiment // is tried.
          I pray, gentlemen, now to the other form of novel assurance, where the results
are equally gratifying from the public, as well as from our own point of view. I /// refer
to the system of group insurance. In these days of intense competition, we are always
being told that industry and commerce must rationalize in order to survive. By
‘rationalization’ is meant. I //3// suppose, the ruthless cutting down of expenditure where it is not financially profitable and the careful examination of every rupee spent in order to be quite certain that it is yielding the best / results; and I think that one of the difficulties in the way of rationalization lies in the fact that often a firm or a company must find that there are among their staff // and in their employment men and women some of whom have given many years of their lives to building up the business and are, perhaps, largely responsible for its success, but who /// are reaching an age at which high salaries which they command are not reflected by efficiency in either energy or output, and where better results might be obtained by employing an energetic person. //4//

[B] Passage II For Transcription : [Marks: 45+5 For Note Taking]


          I have great pleasure in welcoming you to the first annual general meeting of your Company. The Director’s report and audited accounts for the period up to 30th June Twelve have/been in your hands for some time now and, with your permission, I take them as read.

          If the structure of shareholdings may be taken as an index, your company has been favored by // a wide degree of public support. Subscriptions are were widely distributed on a regional basis and also according to the size of applications.

          The Government of India has issued licenses to a number /// of industrial undertakings for expansion of capacity and or setting up of new units for the production of automobile tires and tubes within the plan target. At present, there are ten units licensed //1// for the manufacture of automobile tires and tubes out of which six are in operation, as against two in 90-91. In the genuine interest of healthy growth of the industry as / a whole, the Government would, I am certain, consider the desirability of regulating their licensing policy in such a manner as to enable the new enterprises sanctioned to achieve economic production and establish // themselves on a sound footing.

          Your Company represents of the undertakings licensed for establishing a new tire plant in West Bengal with a capacity of fifteen thousand numbers each of tires and /// tubes per month. You should have got an idea about the progress of this company from the Directors’ report already circulated to you. Construction of the main factory building, stores, canteen and offices //2// is fast nearing completion. Out of the import license for plant and machinery worth Rs. Two Crores obtained by the company, a major portion has already been received at the factory site / and further shipments are on the way. It is expected that delivery of all plant and machinery to be imported from Japan will be completed by 2012. According to arrangements with the // technical collaborators, a team of erectors is expected to be at the factory site shortly to supervise the erection of the plant and machinery. The technical personnel deputed by the Company to Japan /// for training and finalization of the project report have returned to India. If there is no serious hold-up in the present program, the plant at the factory will be commissioned for trial //3// production by the middle of next year. Which should be accepted as a good performance.

          In order that your company may lay its proper role in the tire manufacturing industry in / the country, your Directors have decided to expand the scope of its activities, and accordingly, an application has been made to the Government of India for permission to expand and diversify the Company’s // operations by installing further and or fresh capacity for the manufacture of tires and tubes for cars, trucks, and buses, motorcycles and scooters, etc.

          In regard to other important raw materials /// also, namely tire, cord, bed wire, valves, carbon black, the country is yet largely dependent on imports. It is gratifying to note that steps are being taken to arrange for more effective production. //4//

GCC Shorthand 140 WPM Exam:

There are two passages in GCC Shorthand 140 wpm Exam. Total marks for both the passage is 100 Marks. The total time for both passages is 2 Hours and 40 Minutes.

[A] Passage I For Transcription : [Marks: 45+5 For Note Taking]

          I have great pleasure in welcoming you all to the meeting of the National Development Council. Our deliberations should help us in reconciling different points of view and in securing the commitment of the nation / as a whole to the tasks of development as envisaged in our plans. I should like to express my appreciation to the Deputy Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission for the manner in which they // have handled this difficult task of getting the plan ready in the limited time at their disposal.

          The formulation of a new plan signifies that through our own determined efforts we have in a measure /// overcome the difficulties which had led us to operate on the basis of the annual plan and to postpone the implementation of the original plan. This plan marks our resolve to resume orderly economic progress on //1// the basis of an integrated approach to our problems. The whole object of a plan is to assess realistically the potential for development and to spell out in advance the problems likely to be faced / in realizing it. The analysis made from this angle in the plan documents shows that while we should not pitch our expectations in regard to improvement in the standard of living too high, at the // same time we need not be unduly pessimistic in regard to the possibilities of growth. The very constraint of resources which we faced during the period intervening between the fifth and the sixth plan has /// sharpened our sense of priorities and has facilitated the concentration of our energies and resources on vital programs.

          We are all aware of the importance of agriculture in the national life of India. It was //2// the new agricultural methods based on the use of extensive application of fertilizers and remunerative prices for farm produce which gave us a measure of success and this was due as much to our scientists / and technicians as to the farmers themselves and to their quick response to new ideas. About 80 percent of the commodity consumption of households is comprised of agricultural products or manufactures based principally on // agricultural raw materials and farm produce. The achievement or acquirement of the targets of growth and development under present conditions of price stability will, therefore, depend entirely on the early developmental growth of agricultural /// production should also enable us to do away with food imports on concessional terms.

          The problem of sugar has always become a headache to the consumers as well as to the Government. Sometimes it is //3// due to less production of sugar and sometimes it is due to the abnormal increase in prices. In the present days, the upward trend of increase in price has reached such a high level that it / had never touched before. At present, the sugar is being sold at Rs. 58 per kilogram. Not only sugar but the prices of all essential commodities, it is observed, have gone up far beyond the limits // the common man could reasonably bear. Sugar Dealers are heard to say that the cost of sugar will go up to the level of Rs. 200 per kilogram shortly. The whole picture is /// causing much anxiety to the consumers.

          It is true that sugar is sold at a cheaper rate on ration cards through authorized ration shops, but it hardly constitutes ten percent of their normal consumption. //4//

[B] Passage II For Transcription : [Marks: 45+5 For Note Taking]

          Every year many thousands of insurance policies are taken out. They cover a wide variety of risks, ranging from fire, burglary, road accidents, and other calamities to insurance against the rainy holidays and life insurance. Every / year thousands of claims are made under such policies, and the great majority are settled at the satisfaction of all concerned. Sometimes, however, a claim fails and it is well to know the grounds upon which // this may happen. One is, a failure to fill up the proposal form correctly; the other is a failure to disclose to the insurance company some fact that ought to be disclosed. These two, which /// for brevity we may call inaccuracy and non-disclosure, often overlap, but in law they are distinct.
          To avoid being guilty of inaccuracy, the proposer must complete the proposal form with complete accuracy all //1// the questions may seem. To avoid being guilty of nondisclosure, the proposer must act with the utmost good faith, and inform the insurance company of anything he knows that is material to the risk. / whether or not they ask him about it.
          Recently a man-made a claim under a policy of insurance, which was to cover
him against loss from several causes, including burglary. The company rejected
his // claim, and the man brought an action against them. The company admitted that he had suffered a loss by burglary to the amount claimed. Their case was that they were entitled to refuse because no /// mention had been made of a previous burglary for which another company had paid a claim. In this case, the company defended the action brought against them on the grounds of inaccuracy and non-disclosure. //2// First, they pointed out that, when asked for details of any previous similar claim, he had signed a declaration that he had never made such a claim. In addition, the company pointed out that the / claimant had failed to disclose to them a material fact known to him but unknown to them, namely, the previous burglary. He had also agreed that the declaration which he signed was to be the // basis of the contract between himself and the company. The learned judge who tried the case gave judgment for the company.
          There is nothing in this decision that was not based on familiar principles,
but /// the question of non-disclosure always requires careful consideration or many
claims may fail.
          All businesses, from the smaller office to large factories and warehouses, must
be covered by insurance. This is a contract whereby. //3// for regular payments, you
are guaranteed compensation for the loss resulting in predicted eventuality. So, if
you insured for theft, fire, or death, money will be payable in the event of such disasters taking / place, provided the conditions of the policy have been met.
          The insurance policy is the document that sets out the terms and conditions
of the contract between the insurance company and the insured person. It // will also
detail the value covered, the premium payable and the date on which payment is due.
          The money paid at regular intervals to the insurance company is known as the
premium. It is normally /// paid once a year and, in a small company, it will often
be the secretary’s duty to see that policies are renewed each year by making sure that the premiums are paid regularly in time. //4//

GCC Shorthand 150 WPM Exam:

There are two passages in GCC Shorthand 150 wpm Exam. Total marks for both the passage is 100 Marks. The total time for both passages is 2 Hours and 55 Minutes.

[A] Passage I For Transcription : [Marks: 45+5 For Note Taking]

          Our Prime Minister and Tony Blair together sent out a clear message today that
globalization and change were inevitable for any economy.
          Departing from the prepared text of the address at the sixth Indian Business Summit in the / Capital, Prime Minister said “Do not be fearful of change, learn to live with it.”
          Earlier, Blair, in his address to the business delegation said “globalization is not
a matter of debate” but was a reality and emphasized// that despite the problems individual economists face, there was a need to “embrace and manage it.”
          Blair, speaking in this capacity as the president of European Union said as the “World becomes integrated both side and India /// will benefit and added it is better to open up rather than close down”. He did clarify that the entire process of transition to an open economy cannot be left to the market. Voicing the same sentiment, Prime Minister //1// said “Success belongs to those who opt to the process of change.” And this was what he defines the “role of the government.” To overcome the transitional pain that came with change, the Government had / the responsibility to smoothen the transformation process.
          Prime Minister said the India-Europe relationship had to be “win-win” and urged
Europe to take a relook at their non-tariff barriers for goods from India. 
          Our business // community says European markets have suddenly become difficult to access. While tariffs have come down, various non-tariff businesses have come up. We need to address any such issue urgently, he said.
          He specifically pointed to an /// directive on traditional and herbal medicines which restricts India’s market access for these products in Europe.
          This directive has the effect of having an insurmountable barrier in respect of ayurveda products. I hope our concerns will //2// be noted and implementation delayed till our experts can discuss this as proposed in the Joint Action Plan.
          From the Indian perspectives, Prime Minister said we would welcome measures that could be pursued to our mutual advantage / and was therefore happy that both sides had formed the Joint Working Group to iron out issues related to Sanitary measures and tariff barriers in trade.
          Blair reassured businessmen on the fears of backlash on Quit sourcing saying “Outsourcing // in fact helped in boosting of local business houses.”
          He substantiated his argument by quoting examples of what happened within Europe when ten more member countries were inducted. Despite the initial fears of free movement of /// cheaper labor, the end result was that economics was actually strengthened.
          It was initially feared that outsourcing or relocation would cause job losses.
But companies have used outsourcing to move up the value chain and create better
Company //3// structure. Blair said According to him, the future of Europe costs on
knowledge-based sectors, and the two sides could move up the value chain through
investments in science and technology.
          This is where he defined a / new source for the two sides and said India and
Europe must work together in developing human capital.
          As though in response, Prime Minister said “A brand conscious and yet price-sensitive market in search of new products // and new technologies are waiting to be
tapped. I sincerely hope you will not miss the bus.”
          In a far-reaching development, India and Europe decided on a joint initiative to enhance trade and investments, energy security, /// information, and biotechnology. A joint action plan unveiled at the Sixth Indian Europe Summit here said the twosies have agreed to Co-operate in the nuclear energy oil and gas sector with a view to promoting security and stability. //4//

[B] Passage II For Transcription : [Marks: 45+5 For Note Taking]

          I want to talk for a little while this week about Shorthand writing. How many words a minute can you write at present? How many words a minute would you like to able to write? Are you taking / any steps to increase your present rate of writing? I think that there are very few of us who do not feel that we would like to be able to write more quickly. Whether we can take down // good Shorthand notes at 80 words a minute or at 160 words per minute. There is always present a desire to add another 10, 20, or 30 words to our rate of writing. I think also that is /// probably true to say that
very few people ever reach the highest rate at which they could write. I believe that
most writers, could with a little training and work, write more quickly.
          A question often asked //1// “What rate of writing is required to meet the needs
of most office bosses ?” Often you will find that the answer given is to the effect that
80 words a minute will be good enough to carry / the writer through most of his daily
work. But experience has shown that in many offices this is not the case, and I think
that those of you who are at present writing at 80 or 100 // words a minute should
makeup, your minds that you will continue your training until you can write at 150
words a minute or more. If, when you leave your day school, you are able to /// write at 100 make up your minds in use a little of your free time each week in perfecting
your knowledge of the system and in increasing your rate of writing. You will not find
it a //2// waste of time to do this. The good situations in offices are given to those
who can do better than the masses.
          There is too, the question of your finding happiness in your work if when
you / get out of bed each morning, you know that you are going into an office where
you will be asked to do just a little more than you are able to do you will not feel
very // happy about it. You will perhaps feel like the little girl who was seven years
old and had been to school for three weeks. She was asked by the mother. “Well, and
how do you like /// school”? Oh said the little girl. “I wish I was married and out
of it all.” If you take a real interest in your work and know that you can easily meet
the demands which will be //3// made upon you. Then you are likely to find happiness
in it. Therefore, it is time well used in your early days if you work hard to become
an expert writer. When you reach a rate of 100 words/minute, do not regard it
as the end of the Shorthand word. It is rather a step on the road to a high rate
of shorthand writing. Our shorthand system is such that is // very easy to reach 120
and 150 words a minute and with a little work much high rates can be achieved.
          Few points for your shorthand is always use good quality paper for our shorthand
notes, /// and lightly, passing quickly from one outline to the next and from the end
of one line to the beginning of the next. High and easy touch is a sure way to increase your rate of writing. //4//

GCC Shorthand 160 WPM Exam:

There are two passages in GCC Shorthand 160 wpm Exam. Total marks for both the passage is 100 Marks. The total time for both passages is 3 Hours and 5 Minutes.

[A] Passage I For Transcription : [Marks: 45+5 For Note Taking]

          Tomorrow the nation will celebrate Independence Day and on the sacred occasion. I have great pleasure in offering my warm greetings to my fellow citizens in India and abroad. The day reminds us every year of the pledge we / took and the promises we made to give our people a better and fuller life. Rooted in traditions of democratic conduct and behavior, we have striven hard all these years to end poverty, ignorance, and disease among the vast // millions of our population. Our aim has been the establishment of a society in which there will be equality of opportunity for all citizens alike, assuring they are well being.

           In our efforts towards the attainment of our national goals, we have /// deliberately chosen the democratic method, as the only sure path to real progress. I would like to lay the greatest emphasis here on the observance of self-discipline at all levels. If people lose discipline and rectitude, their moral //1// stature and influence get seriously eroded. The most important sanction behind a democratic form of Government is the confidence which the people repose in it. It should be the constant endeavor of those placed in power to retain this confidence. / The political developments that were witnessed in some states are not conducive to a stable Government. In our system, Governments are chosen by a mandate from the people. The mandate cannot be subverted to suit personal ambitions or for // gaining selfish ends. Equally, the growing tendency among some people to misuse civil liberty and organize agitations which paralyze the normal life of the community constituents a threat to public order. Freedom and liberty are cherished rights. If they are /// allowed to degenerate into license, then the very basis of democratic existence may be destroyed. 

          We have been confronted in recent months by an unprecedented drought that has thrown millions of our people into distress and near-famine conditions in //2// large parts of the country. We are trying to meet this situation. Several steps have been taken to ward off distress and to reduce the suffering of the affected people. We must curb all conspicuous consumption and wasteful spending. / Currently, the monsoon has been good and there is a fair prospect of a good Kharif crop. In our vast country where agriculture as in so many countries, depends mainly on the monsoon, relative periods of scarcity and abundance are inevitable. // But this only emphasizes the need to observe more and more prudence in the utilization of our resources. This is all the more important where concerns essential commodities for the day-to-day life of the community. I feel /// deeply concerned that some unscrupulous people take advantage of situations of this kind and resort to boarding, profiteering, and other anti-social acts. Such people, I have no hesitation in saying should be branded as enemies of society and punished. //3//

          The abnormal rise in prices, more especially of essential commodities, has become one of our major problems. This affects all sections of the community, particularly those of the fixed income group and the poorer sections. An effective remedy for this / will be a system of controlled markets, operating through consumer co-operatives and fair price shops situated in all parts of the country, both in urban and rural areas. This will have to be backed by an efficient public distribution system. // Public co-operation is of the utmost importance in all this. In times of grave economic stresses and strains, the citizens owe a duty to themselves to be vigilant guardians of the national interest. I would suggest that there should /// be the organization in every small village and town, to look after consumer’s interest. These constituents should assist the lawful authority in the proper discharge of its duty. If everyone adopts a positive approach, we shall have no reason to despair. //4//

[B] Passage II For Transcription : [Marks: 45+5 For Note Taking]

          If we are at all anxious to have a good education, it becomes imperative to work towards having three essential multiples. To start with, we must have young people who are interested in the process of learning as the first requisite / of healthy personality development. Secondly, we must have an adequate number of willing teachers. Who consider teaching as a prestigious profession and who have strong determination to function effectively. And thirdly, the community has to realize its vital role in // the process of education. They have not only to give natural help to institutions but they have also to look upon teachers as important members of society serving a noble cause. Recognition by society helps in keeping up the /// morale of teachers and also attracts talent to the profession. In any country, specially a democracy, where people run their own Government, these fundamental multiples are important without which education will remain a dull, routine affair, and such a phenomenon //1// cuts at the very roots of national growth.

          There is a sad dearth of really competent and suitable manpower in nearly all the branches of national life. The greatest deficiency has been the dearth of really dynamic leadership. In / this context the role of college and university education is very important. Our universities and colleges are, therefore, faced with a great challenge and I would like to plead that all those concerned with higher education in India must pause // and think and work urgently to usher in some sort of functional aristocracy through quality education.

          University education in India is over 100 years old. For many years in the past college and university education remained restricted to a very /// small percentage of the population and up to 1947, the growth of higher education was moderate. But, there has been, an explosion in the field of higher education since Independence. The expansion has indeed stupendous. The Radhakrishnan //2// report fan be taken as a landmark in the field of higher education as it led to a number of important steps like the setting up of the University Grants Commission, the improvement of salary scales of university and college/teachers, the establishment of a National Council for Scientific Research as well as the starting of three-year degree courses. The University Grants Commission has played a significant role in the development of higher education.

          All this development has been // significant indeed. However, in our enthusiasm for expansion, we have not somehow been able to maintain standards, what to say of raising them. A time has now come when we have to give serious thought to the twin problems of /// raising standards in higher education as also as having excellence in the academic field. The age-old method of only helping students to pass examination no longer hold good. It is the depth that is now needed.

          The lay student //3// has to be given an enriched program of education. The rigidity of the syllabus and the textbook has to be broken and students have to be exposed more and more to the new. Routine classroom methods have to be replaced / by something more refreshing like seminars, discussions, and self-study through extended teaching facilities. More opportunities have to be given to developing individual thinking and expressional capacities. Then, secondly, we have to pay special attention to the talented and to // the gifted. There is a great variety of talent and they all need attention and support. Talent is widespread and the main problem before us is to locate it wherever it may exist. An observant teacher can always locate talent /// pertaining to his respective areas and this is one of the main tasks of the present college teachers. The Education Commission has also rightly stressed the need for massive programs for the education of the gifted and to develop dynamic leadership. //4//

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Important- There is an interval of 2 Minutes between Passage I and Passage ll in 100 wpm, 120 wpm, 130 wpm, 140 wpm, 150 wpm, and 160 wpm.

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