Immediate Cause of Revolt of 1857 : History, Impact and Failure

Nitin Walthare

Immediate Cause of Revolt of 1857
In this article, I tell what is the immediate cause of the revolt of 1857. Today we also discuss what is the impact of the revolt of 1857 and why the revolt of 1857 is failed.

The revolt of 1857 is also known as Indian Mutiny, Sepoy Mutiny, The great Rebellions, The Indian Insurrection, and First war of Independence. It is an unsuccessful revolt against the British East India Company from 1857 to 1859.

It is widely spread across Delhi, Meerut, Lucknow, Bareilly, Jhansi, Gwalior, Arrah, and Kanpur. It starts as a revolt of sepoys of the British East India Company's Army but in the end, lots of people participated in it.

Lucknow which is the capital of Awadh was lead by Begum Hazrat Mahal, Kanpur was led by Nana Saheb, Jhansi was led by Rani Lakshmi Bai, Gwalior was led by Tantia Tope and Arrah in Bihar was led by Kunwar Singh

Cause of Revolt of 1857 :

1.Religious Causes :

a.Britishers introduces western education in India and started teaching in the English language instead of the regional language.

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b.Britishers introduced lots of policies such as widow remarriage, sati, and female infanticide.

c.Majorly spreading western civilization in India creates fear in the mind of India that Britishers changed their religion to Christianity.

d.Britishers also introduced railways and telegraph. 

2.Political Causes :

a. First political cause is the British policy of direct annexation and doctrine of lapse.

What is Doctrine of Lapse?

This technique was introduced by Lord Dalhousie in late 1840. In this technique, the British prohibited the Hindu ruler without a natural heir, and this technique not permitted to adopt any successor and after the death of the ruler, the Britishers annex his land.

b. Lord Dalhousie annexed Awadh.

c.Britishers also annexed Jaitpur, Sambalpur, and Udaipur.

d.Britishers annexed Satara, Nagpur, and Jhansi under the policy of doctrine of lapse.

3.Military Causes :

a.Indian soldiers cover 87% of the British army but still, they are considered inferiors to the British soldiers.

b.The working area of Indian sepoys is far away from their homes, sometimes Indian sepoys are work in Britain's land also.

c.The salary of Indian sepoys is less as compared to the British sepoys.

4.Economic Causes :

a.Peasant and Zamindars were paid heavy taxes on their lands.

b.Lots of sepoys are from the peasantry class so grievances of peasants also affect them.

c.Due to the industrial revolution in Britain, lots of British products are introduced in India which affects the textile industries in India.

Immediate Cause of Revolt of 1857 :

a.There is one rumor spread that cartridges of the new Enfield rifles are greased with the fat of cow and pigs. The problem is that before loading these rifles, sepoys need to bite off the paper on the cartridges. That's why both Hindi and Muslim sepoys are refused to use them.

b.Mangle Pande which is a sepoy in barrakpore refused to use this cartridge and attacks his senior officer. After that, he was hanged to death on 8th April 1857.

c.After some days on 9th May, 85 Soldiers on Meerut refused to use these rifles, and as a result of this, they are sentenced to 10 years imprisonment.

Suppression of Revolt of 1857 :

The revolt of 1857 is suppressed in 1858 and it is suppressed by lord canning. 

Failure of Revolt of 1857 :

a.The revolt of 1857 was spread widely but a large part of the country and major princely states did not join this revolt.

b.The zamindars, merchants not participated in revolt and they support Britishers to suppress the revolt of 1857.

c.One of the major reasons is the lack of resources such as men, arms, and money.

d.There is no effective leadership.

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Effect of Revolt of 1857 on India :

a. The revolt of 1857 results in the end of East India Company rule in India.

b. The revolt of 1857 results in direct rule of the British crown in India.

c. It was promised by Britishers that they do not change the religion and traditions of India.

d.The participation of Indian soldiers in the British Indian army is increased.

e.The governor-general of India is replaced by the viceroy of India.

f.It abolished the doctrine of lapse.

Conclusion :

Though the revolt of 1857 is failed, it is the first war of independence. It was the great struggle of the Indians for freedom. The revolt creates nationalism in the minds of Indians.

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