Yogurt For Hair Straightening Naturally in 2021

Nitin Walthare

Yogurt For Hair Straightening
Yogurt plays an important role in straightening hairs and I tell you how to use yogurt for hair straightening naturally in today's article.

Straight hair is an important part of any women's personality. Silky and shiny hair is the first choice of many women. I Know the hair treatment in the salon is time-consuming and costly.

There are probably some disadvantages of salon hair treatments such as due to the use of chemicals, hair may be damaged sometimes. With natural products, there are no such problems with hairs.

Yogurt is easily available at our home every time and it is great for skin and hair. 

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Benefits of using Yogurt:

1.It has smoothening properties.

2.It has cooling properties.

3.It soothes the scalp.

4.It eliminated dandruff.

5.It prevents hair fall.

6.It acts as a natural hair conditioner.

7.It makes hair Shiny.

8.It balances the pH.

9.It moisturized hair.

10.It has antifungal properties.

Our busy lifestyle and pollution is the main reason of hair loss. Yogurt has many properties and you can use it with some other ingredients to solve specific hair issues.

Yogurt has lots of nutrients such as zinc, vitamin E, lactic acids, and proteins.

I provide you 8 ways to use yogurt for hair straightening naturally and its benefits with different ingredients.

1.Smooth Hairs with Yogurt:

Hair smoothening is very easy with yogurt. Just mix yogurt with some bananas, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, and honey to prepare a mask. Keep this mask in the refrigerator for some time. After some time apply on the head for at least 40 minutes and then rinse and shampoo hairs.

Use yogurt with curry leaves for smooth and shiny hairs. Make a fine paste of curry leaves. Add yogurt in curry leaves paste. Apply on your hair for 30 minutes and then wash. Do it once a week.

2.Reduce Hair Fall with Yogurt:

Yogurt also helps to decrease hair fall. Mix yogurt with mustard seed and onion oil and apply it to your hair and scalp. It helps to improve hair growth. It has fatty acids that help to strengthen your hair.

To fight hair loss, you can also use yogurt with black pepper. Pepper increases blood circulation in the scalp and thus hair fall is reduced. Take 1 cup of yogurt and mix 1 tablespoon of black pepper in it and mix it to make a paste. Apply on the scalp and rest for 15 minutes and then rinse it off. You can do it once a week.

3.Yogurt Hydrating Mask:

You can make straight hair with egg white and a yogurt mask. Preparing hydrating mask is simple. Take two egg whites and mix them with half a cup of plain yogurt. This mixture contains proteins, minerals that help to straighten hair and also keeps the hairs healthy.

4.Oily Scalp:

Yogurt is perfect for hair care, it has cooling properties. Yogurt works with all hair types and solves many hair problems.

5.Remove dandruff with Yogurt:

You can apply half a cup of yogurt mixed with the skin of a papaya on your head. Wait for at least an hour and then do the shampoo. This will help you to remove dandruff from your hair. Yogurt gives proper nourishment to hairs and your hairs grow properly.

6.Split Ends:

Yogurt helps to remove most hair damages due to chemical treatments. Pollution is one of the major reasons for split ends.

7.Hair Serum:

Yogurt is a rich source of protein and lactic acid which balances pH levels that helps in hair growth.

8.Frizzy Hairs:

Yogurt is also useful in fighting frizzy hairs. You can prevent damage to the cuticles and make your hair soft and shiny. Mix yogurt with bananas and apply it to hair for 20 minutes, then rinse and shampoo. Do this twice a week.

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I provide you more uses of yogurt for hairs problem as a bonus. 

Dry Hair:

Dry hair is one of the problem. Use yogurt with avocado, honey, and olive oil to fight dry hair.  This mask is very powerful and is rich in vitamin E and antioxidants. Mash the avocado and mix the remaining ingredient in it. Apply this mask to the scalp and rest for about 20 minutes. Then rinse and shampoo. Do this once a week.

Deep Conditioning:

Use Yogurt with coconut oil and aloe vera gel for deep conditioning of hair. Prepare a Mask and apply it to the scalp. After half an hour, wash it with lukewarm water and a mild shampoo. Do it once a week.

Hair Straightening with Yogurt, Coconut Cream, and Coconut Oil:

Coconut oil is so popular for calming hair naturally. You need yogurt, cream, and coconut oil as an ingredient. Take 2 tablespoons of coconut cream, 2 tablespoons of coconut oil, and fat-free yogurt.

Mix all these three ingredients to make a mask. Make sure coconut cream and coconut oil are in the liquid state, if it is in solid-state heat slightly so that convert it to a liquid state.

Apply it to your scalp and wash it after 1 hour.

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I hope you like this article about yogurt for hair straightening naturally, consider sharing this article with friends.

Disclaimer: The information here is based on general assumptions and what experts have said. Consult a doctor if you have any problems.

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