SET 5 - GCC TBC English 40 WPM Important Objective Questions and Answers

Nitin Walthare

SET 5 GCC TBC English 40 wpm Important Objectives Questions and Answers

In this article, I give you the Most Important GCC TBC English 40 WPM Important Objective Questions and Answers

This is SET 5 of Important Objective Questions.

GCC TBC Most Important Objective Questions PDF

1. In the Worksheet each cell has assigned one address.
A. True           B. False

2. To ……........ to the beginning of worksheet Ctrl + Home key is used.
A. Move           B. Split            C. Merge            D. None of the above

3. =Sum (F8:F12) this function sort the values in cells range between F8 to F12.
A. True          B. False

4. To select whole/ complete sheet use ………. Key combination.
A. Ctrl + A            B. Ctrl + D            C. Ctrl + B            D. Ctrl + S

5. ___________ application is most suited for a bar chart.
A. Word Processor           B. Database           C. DOS            D. Spreadsheet

6. To select any Column keep Mouse Pointer on the name of the column and then click with the mouse.
A. True            B. False

7. We cannot use …………… in Formula while typing the formula in Cell.
A. Numbers           B. Spaces            C. Characters           D. Special Characters

8. To calculate the sum of first 10 columns and 5 rows __________ function is used
A. @(A5:J5)           B. @(A5+J5)           C. =sum(A1:J10)           D. None of these

9. We can enter data into the cells in ……………… format
A. Font           B. Bold           C. Text Format           D. Italic Format

10. With the help of Merge And Center Command two or more continued cells can be __________.
A. Center Align           B. Mail Merge           C. Combine Cell          D. None of the above

11. To save a Workbook, you press ………………
A. Ctrl + S           B. Ctrl+F5           C. Shift + S           D. Shift + F5

12. In Excel, ___________ is present by default.
A. Border           B. Gridlines           C. Graph           D. Filter

13. With the use of Insert Tab, we can insert pictures in Ms-Excel
A. True           B. False

14. Cell Value Typed in selected cell displayed in ___________.
A. Status bar           B. Formula Bar           C. Title Bar           D. None

15. The Thick border around the Active Cell is called as ………………..
A. Cell Pointer           B. Selection           C. Border             D. Outline

16. To find the lowest number in Row or Column ________  function is used.
A. Max( )           B. Min( )           C. Count( )           D. Round( )

17. At the right side of the sheet tabs, we get the horizontal ___________ Bar.
A. Tool Bar             B. Scroll Bar            C. Title Bar             D. Status Bar

18. In MS-Excel on the top of the opening screen we have _________.
A. Status           B. Title           C. Access            D. Tool

19. With the Help of ______ Command two or more continue cells can be combined together and data of the first cell can be centralized in the cell range.
A. Center Align           B. Merge & Center            C. Spilt Cells             D. Mail Merge

20. Alignments of cell in an Excel sheet can be done by_______.
A. Files / Cells            B. Format / Cells            C. FTP / Align             D. None of these

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