Ghadar Party and Movement - Background and Activities Short Notes

Nitin Walthare

Ghadar Party and Ghadar Movement

In this article, we discuss ghadar party and ghadar movement and its background and activities.


Around 1904, many Indians were migrating to North America, especially in Vancouver Canada. Among them, Punjabi and Sikh people were more. Many of these people were ex-shoulders of the British East India Company.

These people had traveled to different countries. And they thought Canada was a good country for a better life. But reaching here, he had to face Racial Discrimination.

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It seemed to them that this was happening to them because they do not belong to a free country. Two such people were Tarak Nath Das and G D Kumar.

While living in Canada, both of them started a campaign to liberate India. Tarak Nath Das started publishing his English Journal Swadesh Sevak and G.D. Kumar made Free Hindustan.

Other Indians who lived in Canada and saw racial discrimination began to read these journals and were impressed. The political activity of the Indian Nationalists started.

But in 1910, the Canadian government became a little cautious and expelled G D Kumar and Tarak Nath Das from Canada.

When they were taken out of Canada, they settled in the USA. Now all the revolutionary activities were started by him from the USA.

In 1911, Lala Hardayal also came to America. Although he was a lecturer at Stamford University in America, but his main objective was to send the British out of India.

Lala Hardayal believed that if the British government has to get out of India, then this work can be done only with strength.

In 1912, Lala Hardayal formed the organization which was named Pacific Coast Hindustan Association. Later this organization came to be known as Ghadar Party.

First of all, a working committee was formed and it was decided that a weekly newspaper would be published whose name was Ghadar meaning Revolt.

The headquarters of the Ghadar Party was established in San Francisco, USA and it was named Yugantar Ashram.

Thus the Ghadar movement started. The political workers working in it are also called Ghadar Militants.

The Ghadar Militants were now preparing Indians working in the mills of America and Canada against the British Government. A lot of people started joining Yugantar Ashram and it had become their home.

Along with this, stories of the bravery of national leaders were also published in the weekly edition of Gadhar. This newspaper reached America as well as Africa, China, Malaysia, Europe, Japan, Panama, Argentina, Brazil, Iran, Afghanistan, and Russia.

People were joining them and Yugantar ashrams had also opened at all these places. In 1914, Lala Hardayal was imprisoned. However, they were later released on bail.

But after this Lala Hardayal broke away from the Ghadar Movement. Here there is another incident named Komagata Maru Incident.

Komagata Maru Incident:

People living in South East Asia now wanted to shift to Canada for a higher standard of living. A Singaporean businessman hired a boat named Komagata Maru.

The journey started from Hong Kong, in which 164 Indians boarded the boat. After that, some people joined the ship here in the ship Pohocha Shanghai. After this the ship reached Japan and it became a total passenger of 376.

When the Kamagata Maru approached Canada with these 376 passengers, the Port Authority refused to let them under.

So they started protesting. The Indians who were already in Canada started putting in court cases, but Canada did not obey.

Finally, after 50 to 60 days, Komagata Maru returned to Calcutta with these people. Because Japan, Singapore, and Hong Kong also refused to take these passengers.

Even after coming to Calcutta, the British government did not treat these people properly. Most of these people were Sardars, they got angry and there was a fight between the Britishers and them.

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In this incident 18 people died, 202 were arrested and the rest escaped. The Ghadar Militant's blood boiled on hearing the news of the Komgat Maru Incident. But in 1914 the First World War started.

The Ghadar Militant thought that if the Britishers would be busy in the war, then this is a good opportunity to make the British government angry.

Ghadar Militants came to India to revolt in India. After coming to India, he made Rash Behari Bose the leader and started planning mutiny with the Indian British shoulder. 

But British Sid came to know and they put all the leaders in jail and hanged some people. 

Rash Behari Bose left India and went to Japan and she got married.

Now due to no leader left in the Ghadar movement, by 1916, the British government ends the Ghadar movement.

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