Ligerhosting Web Hosting Review - India's Free Web Hosting

Nitin Walthare
Ligerhosting India's Free Web Hosting Review
In this article, I give you Liger hosting web hosting review. The company says that it is India's Free Web hosting.

When I visited the official site, I found that currently, they are giving for the first 500 users. They also say that they don't want card details and paperwork.

Even they are not showing ads in Cpanel. Apart from that they also provide Free SSL Certificate and 24*7 Support.

Ligerhosting Features:

1.Premium DNS - It also provides safety with DDoS attacks.
2.Daily Backup.
3.150 Free Apps.
4.24/7 Network Security
5.They have global data centers.
6.Latest PHP and MySQL versions.

How to Register for Ligerhosting Free Web Hosting:

Registration for Ligerhosting is quite simple. I tell you to step by step process to register ligerhosting below-

1.Go to the official website of ligerhosting.
2.Click on the Registration button in the top right corner.

3.After that fill in the details such as First Name, Last Name, Email ID, Business Name, Country, City, Address, Postal code, and Phone Number.
4.Tick on Terms and conditions and click on Submit button.

Your application is submitted to ligerhosting team, then they will be reply back on your email with Nameservers, username, and password.

Remember one thing they will not provide you domain name. You need to purchase the domain name from any domain registrar site.

If you have already a domain name, then login to your domain registrar account and click on Manage Nameservers.

Change the provided nameservers and wait for 24 hours. It takes some time to update nameservers. Sometimes it is updated in 30 Minutes.

How to update Nameservers in DNS:

Updating the nameserver on your domain provider website is very easy, I provide you step by step guide to update nameservers for your website.

1.Visit the official website of your Domain Name provider website and log in to your account.
2.Now find the Manage DNS option on the website. Sometimes you find Manage Nameservers on some domain name provider website. I registered a domain name with, so I give you an example of the Youstable domain.

Manage Nameservers

3.Here you find the option to change or update nameservers. Just copy and paste the nameservers you received in your email from the Ligerhosting support team.

Change Nameservers

4.Click on the Change Nameservers button and your nameservers will propagate within 24 hours.

After that login to your Cpanel with username and password provide in your email provided by ligerhosting support team and Install Wordpress and start working.

How to Install Wordpress in Ligerhosting Cpanel:

1.Click on the login URL of Cpanel provided by ligerhosting support team in your email inbox.
2.The Login screen will appear. Login to the Cpanel account with the username and password provided by ligerhosting support team.
3.Scroll down on your Cpanel and find SOFTACULOUS APP INSTALLER, here you find Wordpress. 

Install Wordpress in Cpanel

4.Click on Wordpress and set the username and password for login to your website, set the recommended setting, and press on Install button.
5.Your Wordpress is then Installed successfully.

Now you can manage your website with Wordpress. You can add pages, posts, and another settings with wordpress login. Just enter the URL then the login screen will appear. Enter the Username and Password that you set at the time of wordpress Installation.

In place of put your website address.

Now your website is set up completely but there is one problem with SSL. Your website is still opened with http. Now you have to Install an SSL certificate in your Cpanel.

Ligerhosting gives your a free SSL certificate. Now I tell you how to Install Free SSL Certificate to convert your website to HTTPS from HTTP.

How to Install SSL Certificate in Cpanel:

1.Login to your Cpanel account.
2.Find the Security Option and click on SSL/TLS status.
3.Find your main domain name and click on the view certificate option.

View Certificate Button

4.After clicking on the view certificate, a new page will be opened in a new window, just scroll down and click on Install certificate, and you're done.

Now your site will be open in both HTTP and HTTPS. So you need to edit the .htaccess file in your Cpanel so that your website will be opened only in https.

How to Edit .htaccess File to redirect HTTP to HTTPS:

1.Login to your website Cpanel.
2.Find the Files option and click on File Manager.
3.The File Manager will be opened in a new window.
4.Double click on the public_html file. The files in the public_html will be opened.
5.Now some files are hidden in the public_html file. You need to unhide this file, then you will see the .htaccess file.
6.Click on the setting button in the top right corner and check on Show Hidden Files and save.
7.Then the .htacess file will have appeared.
8.Select the .htacess file and on the top side, you see the edit button click on the edit button and a new window will be opened to edit the .htaccess file.
9.You need to place the following code above the already existed code and click on the Save button.

[RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]]

10.Now everything is done and your website will be opened only with HTTPS. If someone tries to open with HTTP then it automatically redirects to the HTTPS version of your website.

Website Speed:

I got the following website speed when I tested my website with GTMETRIX.


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