Health Benefits of Safed Musli for Male and Female Uses and Side Effects

Nitin Walthare

Benefits of Safed Musli for Men and Ladies

In this article, I give health benefits, uses, and side effects of Safed Musli for Male and females.

Safed Musli is an Indian herb that has great healing properties. It also used for relieving stress and reducing inflammation. The most common name of Safed Musli is Musli, white Musli, Indian Spyder plant, Dholi Musli, Swetha Musli, Shedheveli, etc...

The botanical name of Musli is Chlorophytum Borivilianium and it is generally found in peninsular India.

This herb is used for a long time to treat disorders in men and women. Musli is a rich source of vitamins, protein, alkaloids, carbohydrates, and polysaccharides.

Safed Musli can be consumed as a paste or in the form of churna or powder. Lots of people consume it in the form of Musli Pak. Musli Pak has lots of benefits and it is available in the market in paste and capsule form.

Safed Musli/Musli White Benefits for Male/Female:

It contains hecogenin which allows men to build strong muscles.

The white powdered Musli is beneficial for various treatments such as infertility.

It has antioxidants that increase the immunity of our body.

Safed Musli also has anti-inflammatory properties.

It helps in relieving stress, anxiety, and depression in the human body.

It contains antacids which help in digestion.

Its seed and roots are used to make various Musli formulations.

Musli also helps in weight gain.

Safed Musli controls the glucose in the blood and therefore it helps to control diabetes. Always conduct it with doctor's consultations.

It also benefits in case of diarrhea.

It is also beneficial in In arthritis and joint pain.


According to scientific research, the dosage of Safed Musli depends on the age, body, and strength of the person.

Remember one thing, if the amount of Safed Musli affects your appetite, reduce the amount immediately.

Children - 25 to 50 mg per kg of weight

Teenagers(Age between 13 to 19 Years) - 1.5 to 2 Grams

Adults(Age between 19 to 60 Years) - 3 to 5 Grams

Senior Citizens(Above 60 Years) - 2 to 3 Grams

Pregnancy - 1 to 2 Grams

Lactating Women - 1 to 2 Grams

Don't take Safed Musli more than 12 Gram in a single day. You can consume it in the morning and the evening twice a day.

Safed Musli Side Effects:

1.When it consumes a higher amount it causes weight gain.

2.It may cause difficulty in digestion, so take it with a doctor's consultation.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q.Can we use Safed Musli in Bodybuilding?

Answer - Yes you can consume it in bodybuilding but I suggest you take a doctor's consultation before using it.

Q.Is Safed Musli is safe?

Answer - Yes, it is safe but consumes in limited quantity. Always take a doctor's consultation before consuming Safed Musli.

Q.Can I take Safed Musli with water?

Answer - Yes, you can take Safed Musli with water.

Q.Does Safed Musli increases weight?

Answer - Yes it helps in improving your weight.

Q.What are the side effects of Safed Musli?

Answer - Safed Musli contains chemicals that may affect your body when consuming it in higher quantity.

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Disclaimer: The information here is based on general assumptions and what experts have said. Consult a doctor if you have any problems.

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