Surat Split of Congress in 1907 - Important Points Notes PDF

Nitin Walthare

Surat Split of Congress in 1907

In this article, we discuss the surat split of congress in 1907. We also discuss all important points regarding the surat split of congress.

In 1907, the session of the Indian National Congress was held in Surat. In this session, there was a fight between the extremists and the moderates, and the Congress split.

This split has connections to the Swadeshi and Boycott Movement and the Minto and Marley Reforms.

First of all, let us talk about who is the extremists and moderates and why there were fights between them.

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There were two types of people in the Indian National Congress on the basis of thinking and acting and they were called extremists and moderates.

Who are Moderates?

Moderates wanted to increase their stake in the functioning of the British government and policy-making. The policies that the British government is making for the people of the country can be made better.

Who are Extremists?

Whereas the extremists wanted directly our own government i.e. Swaraj. The government should belong to the country and not to the British.

Moderates' methods were petitions, prayers, speeches, public meetings, while extremists believed in the direct ruckus.

Moderates used to believe that if all the proofs are shown, then we can get our demands fulfilled. The extremists believed that the demands could be made by pressurizing the British government.

From the time when INC was formed in 1885, until 1905, there was a dominance of moderates. 

In 1905, the British government partitioned Bengal, due to which the Swadeshi and Boycott Movement started in the whole country.

Between 1885 and 1905, the number of moderates in the Congress was more, so the decisions are taken by them only.

The Swadeshi and Boycott Movements were not being led by Indian National Congress. The National Movement has started in the country and the only National Organization of the country is not leading it, responsible for this the extremists believed the moderates.

And it was also true, the Moderates did not want to come out in front of the Britishers because the Britishers were passed a new act called Minto Marley Reform after some time.

With which the moderates were quite hopeful that good days are going to come. If the Britishers felt that the Congress was creating anger among the people against the Britishers, then it could have had a direct effect on the Minto Merle Reform.

The extremists used to say that the whole country is with them, if the Britisher is pressurized, then demands can be made from them.

The Moderates were not ready to accept as they had faith in the Minto Marley Reform. 

In 1905, the Congress session was held in Varanasi, the president was G K Gokhale. It was said here that Congress is with Swadeshi and Boycott Movement. Here the extremists prevailed over the moderates and the moderates had to succumb to their pressure.

In the Calcutta session of 1906, the Congress wanted to tell the people that Don't do British stuff, stop paying taxes, don't follow British rules, don't send kids to British schools, This could have been possible only if Extremist became president. 

But the moderates used to think that if the extremists are to be kept under control, then only a moderate should become the president.

There was going to be a fight between these two that Dadabhai Naoroji becomes the president and for some time both of them calm down, Because both extremists and moderates respected him a lot.

But here also the extremists were overwhelmed by the moderates and here also the extremists got Dadabhai Naoroji convinced that since our Goal will remain only self-government.

But even now the rift between the extremists and the moderates was increasing. 

Now the next session was going to be held in Pune, but on the last movement, GK Gokhale changed the location of the session to Surat.

In Surat, the extremist leaders already reached Surat and held two or three public meetings. 

The session started, both were face to face, the extremists wanted their leaders to be Lokmanya Tilak or Lala Lajpat Rai as the president. While the Moderates wanted to become the President their leader Ras Behari Ghosh and after finally voting the Moderates Ras Behari Ghosh became the President.

During the session, Lala Lajpat Rai wanted to keep some of his points but Madan Mohan Malviya did not let him speak anything. So the extremists got furious. The situation became very bad and finally, the police had to handle the situation properly.

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Then a private meeting of the Moderates was called and decided that the doors of Congress would be closed for the extremist leaders from now on.

The extremists and moderates split in the Surat session of 1907. The Britishers were looking for this opportunity, they tortured the extremist leaders so much that Aurobindo Ghosh and Bipin Chandra Pal retired from politics.

Lala Lajpat Rai left the country and went to Britain and then to America and the rest of the leaders were imprisoned.

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Frequently Asked Questions:

Q.When and why did congress split up?

Answer - In the Surat session of 1907, the Congress split because there were differences between the Extremists and the Moderates. 

Q.What were the two groups of congress?

Answer - The surat session splits the congress into two groups -Extremist and Moderates.

Q.In which year did the congress split?

Answer - Surat session of 1907.

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