[Short Notes] First Round Table Conference in 1930 UPSC

Nitin Walthare

First Round Table Conference 1930

In this article, we discuss the first round table conference in 1930.

Round table conferences were held from 1930 to 1932. In 1917, Britain's Secretary of State Edwin Montagu gave a speech in the British Parliament, which is also known as the August Declaration.

In this speech, Montague had said that the British government wants to make a responsible government in India.

Continuing this policy, the Montague Clemsford Reforms were brought in which the participation of the people of India was increased in the government.

In this act, it was said that by 1929 a commission would be formed which would review the effect of this act and the new constitutional reforms would also suggest.

This commission was formed only in 1927 and its chairman was Sir John Simon, hence the name of this commission was Simon Commission.

In May 1930, the Simon Commission published its report. The British government wanted that the constitutional reforms brought in by the Simon Commission should be discussed in more detail.

And it should also be decided which constitutional reforms should be brought in India in the coming time.

Jinnah suggested to Lord Irwin that it would be good if Indian representatives were called to the conference to discuss the points.

The British government accepted Jinnah's words and held 3 round table conferences between 1930 and 1931.

The First Round Conference was officially inaugurated by British King George V. The chairman of the First Round Table conference was Ramsay MacDonald.

The First Round Table Conference lasted from November1930 to January 1931.

The Delegates who participated in First Round Table Conference are -

1.16 delegates from different parties in Britain

2.16 delegates from the Indian Princely States

3.58 delegates from different political parties in India

4.Main leaders of the Muslim League such as Jinnah, Aga Khan, etc...

5.Leaders of Hindu Mahasabha

6.Tej Bahadur Sapru from Indian Liberal Party

7.Sardar Ujjal Singh came from the Sikh community

8.Dr. B.R. Ambedkar represents Untouchables

Congress had boycotted the First Round Table Conference because their Nehru Report was refused to be implemented by the British Govt. 

In response to this, Congress started the Civil Disobedience Movement. 

The objective of these round table conferences was that the dominion status was acceptable to all. It was agreed by everyone that the British government would give all the departments to India except finance and defense.

Liberal Party leader Tej Bahadur Sapru presented the idea of ​​All India Federation. This meant that all the princely states and provinces in India would form their own self-governing body.

All these self-governing bodies will live together and this united body will be called the All India Federation and there will also be a central government.

Dr. B. r. When Ambedkar demanded a separate electorate for Untouchables, the decision could not be made.

Due to the absence of Congress, the British government seemed to have failed.

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