Artichokes Health Benefits and Side Effects

Nitin Walthare

Artichokes Health Benefits and Side Effects

In this article, we discuss Artichokes health benefits and side effects.

It is not a vegetable but an immature flower bud, which is used as a vegetable. It is believed that this vegetable can help in maintaining good health along with removing the symptoms of many diseases.

Here you will find the advantages and disadvantages of artichokes.

Health Benefits of Artichokes:

1.Improve Liver Health:

Consuming artichokes can also be beneficial for the liver. Actually, its consumption can improve liver enzymes. It contains flavonoids and caffeoylquinic acid, which exhibit hepatoprotective activity and hypolipidemic effect. 

The hepatoprotective property protects the liver from damage and may also benefit non alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). In fact, non alcoholic steatohepatitis is a disease in which fat builds up in the liver without the use of alcohol, which causes inflammation and infection in the liver. 

According to a research published on the website of NCBI, artichokes show the most beneficial effect on the liver itself. The extracts of the roots and leaves of artichoke can be used to keep the liver healthy. It can also help the liver cells to regenerate.

2.Heart Health:

Artichokes are one of the oldest plants grown in the world. Extracts from various parts of the plant (leaves, fruits and roots) have been used medicinally from time to time. 

This is why the benefits of artichokes include heart health. According to a study done in Italy, awareness about the alternative use of artichokes is necessary for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. 

Indeed, it may help prevent heart disease by lowering cholesterol. The flavonoids present in it can reduce hypercholesterolemia (hypercholesterolemia, high levels of cholesterol) and the antioxidant properties may protect against atherosclerosis, plaque build up in the arteries. Both these problems are related to heart disease.

3.Eliminate Digestive Problems:

Artichokes can be used to relieve digestive problems. In this regard, a research has also been published on the website of NCBI (National Center of Biotechnology Information). 

According to this research, the promoting effect of bile (liquid released by the liver) present in artichoke leaf extract can aid in digestion. Also, it can be beneficial in relieving the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, such as abdominal pain and dyspepsia.

Actually, irritable bowel syndrome ie intestinal problem is also one of the digestive problems. The fiber present in artichokes is believed to help relieve digestive problems. Artichokes can be consumed in the form of a decoction or tea to relieve digestive problems.

4.Prevent Cancer From Growing:

According to studies done on artichokes, its extract can have a negative effect on breast cancer cells, preventing cancer cells from spreading. 

Actually, it contains a chemical compound called polyphenol, which can slow down the activity of cancer cells. Due to the polyphenolic compound present in artichokes, it is also found to have chemopreventive activity. 

Chemopreventive properties can reduce the rate of spread of cancer as well as slow its recurrence, that is, the possibility of cancer recurrence once it has occurred.


Ethanol extract of artichoke leaves has been shown to have antihyperglycemic properties. This property can reduce the level of diabetes by reducing the level of glucose. According to a study on the NCBI website, an extract of artichoke leaves reduced their glucose levels from 42.84 to 37.91 percent when given to rats for a specified period of time. 

Its anti-diabetic effect is believed to be due to compounds such as terpenoids, phenols, flavonoids, tannins and cardiac glycosides. In addition, the antioxidant properties present in it can also protect against organ damage caused by diabetes.

6.Blood Pressure:

According to a research paper available on the NCBI website, when artichoke juice was given to some blood pressure patients, there was some reduction in the high blood pressure of the patients after consuming it for 12 weeks. 

In such a situation, it can be believed that its consumption can be beneficial for patients of high BP. On the other hand, artichokes are rich in potassium, which is considered beneficial for preventing BP and cardiovascular diseases.

7.Prevent Lead Poisoning:

Lead is an environmental pollutant that can have adverse health effects. Due to this, serious diseases related to liver, kidney and other organs can occur. 

This is the reason why it is important to protect the body from lead poisoning. In such a situation, artichokes can prove to be useful. Actually, due to the phenolics and flavonoid compounds present in it, it has been considered helpful in removing the amount of lead present in the blood and tissue. 

In fact, lead poisoning increases oxidative stress. This stress has side effects on the liver, kidney, brain and other organs. 

In this case, it is believed that the antioxidant properties may be effective in reducing the side effects of lead. This property also occurs in artichokes, so it can be considered a good way to prevent lead poisoning.


The lipid profile can be improved by consuming artichokes, thereby keeping cholesterol levels under control. It has been shown to improve the level of triglycerides and total cholesterol in particular. The components present in it, luteolin and chlorogenic acid, are believed to play an important role in lowering cholesterol.

9.Skin Health and Skin Aging:

The polyphenols present in artichokes can be beneficial for the skin. It can also help protect the skin from the harmful rays of the sun as well as the ill effects of free radicals. 

Perhaps this is the reason why it is used as an anti-aging ingredient in cosmetics. It can help to remove dryness of the skin as well as maintain the elasticity of the skin.

One of the reasons for skin aging is disturbances in collagen metabolism (metabolism of a type of protein). In such a situation, collagen metabolism can be increased by using artichokes for a long time. In addition, the anti-inflammatory properties present in it can also help protect against skin edema (swelling ) . It can be applied to the skin in the form of a paste as well as included in the diet.

Now let's discuss side effects of Artichokes.

Side Effects of Artichokes:

Along with the benefits of artichokes, consuming too much of it can also harm health.

Some side effects of Artichokes are given below -

1.Gas problem.

2.Feeling weak

3.Loss of appetite or extreme hunger.

4.Slight diarrhea with abdominal cramps.

5.It is advised not to use it during pregnancy and lactation.

6.Allergic reaction.

7.Nausea and Heartburn.

8.Anticoagulants can reduce the effect of medicines, such as phenprocoumon and warfarin. These medicines work by preventing blood clots.

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Disclaimer: The information here is based on general assumptions and what experts have said. Consult a doctor if you have any problems.

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