Jamun Seeds Health Benefits and Side Effects

Nitin Walthare

Jamun Seeds Health Benefits and Side Effects

In this article, we discuss Jamun Seeds health benefits and side effects.

Jamun tree is of large size, which bears the fruits of Jamun in clusters during summer. Its fruit is ruddy black in color. 

Inside this fruit is also a seed, which is covered with a pale pink and white coating. The inner part of Jamun seeds is green in colour. 

This seed is slightly hard, but when pressed with force with the help of hands, it also breaks. After eating jamun, some people also eat it, whose health benefits are being given below.

Health Benefits of Jamun Seeds:

1.For Constipation:

To avoid the problem of constipation, the use of Jamun seeds can also be useful for you. Actually, the amount of crude fiber is found in Jamun seeds. It has been found through a scientific research that crude fiber can show you beneficial results in the problem of constipation.

2.For Blood Pressure:

The benefits of jamun kernels can also work effectively to reduce the increased blood pressure. According to a scientific study, the amount of ellagic acid is found in the seeds of jamun. In research, consuming the amount of ellagic acid surprisingly found a decrease in blood pressure . Thus, the use of ellagic acid can reduce blood pressure by about 36%.

3.In the problem of diabetes:

To avoid diabetes, the benefits of jamun seeds can show you beneficial results. Actually, anti-diabetic properties are found in Jamun seeds. Also, a scientific research done by experts has found that supplements made from Jamun seeds can work to control blood sugar in patients with type 2 diabetes. It can also reduce the risk associated with diabetes.

4.For gastric problem:

If you are troubled by gastric problem, then the use of jamun seed can give you relief from this problem as well. It is believed that the problem of gas can be relieved by using extracts from Jamun seeds. However, there is not enough scientific evidence yet on how it helps to cure this problem.

5.For Teeth and Gums:

The benefits of Jamun seeds can also be seen for better health of teeth and gums. By consuming calcium found in Jamun seeds, teeth remain strong and their development develops properly. Both children and adults need calcium for good dental health. Apart from this, the problem of swelling and bleeding of gums due to deficiency of vitamin-C can also be treated through vitamin-C found in jamun seeds.

6.For Digestion:

A healthy digestive system is essential for a healthy body. For this, the use of jamun kernels can prove beneficial. The amount of crude fiber is found in the seeds of Jamun. The consumption of crude fiber is considered to be the most suitable for good digestion. You can fulfill this through the seeds of Jamun.

7. In periods:

Women also have to face pain during bleeding during periods. To get rid of this pain, women can consume jamun seed powder during periods, which can help them to get relief from pain. This is possible because zinc is found in jamun seeds, which can help reduce pain during periods.

8.To remove mucus:

Sometimes you have to go through the problem of phlegm/mucus as well. The benefits of Jamun seeds can also be seen in removing phlegm/mucus. Keeping in mind the problems of the throat, a report released on Jamun seeds states that the extract from the seeds of Jamun can be useful to remove phlegm. Further scientific research is still needed in this regard.

9.To Relieve Vomiting:

Sometimes you may have to deal with the problem of vomiting if you do not pay special attention to food and digestion power is affected. Jamun seed powder is used to treat dyspepsia – a medical condition that also involves vomiting. Therefore, drinking a powder made from Jamun seeds mixed with water can give you relief from the problem of vomiting.

10.For the skin:

The benefits of Jamun kernels can also be seen for the skin. This is possible because the antioxidant action is found in the kernels of jamun. Actually, the antioxidant action works to protect the skin by eliminating free radicals. If free radicals are not prevented, it can lead to skin cancer and photo aging. Thus the antioxidant action present in the seeds of Jamun can also be beneficial for the skin.

Now let's discuss side effects of Jamun Seeds.

Side Effects of Jamun Seeds:

1.The seeds of some jamuns may also contain insects, so avoid eating them.

2.Sufficient amount of carbohydrates are found in the kernels of jamun, consuming more of which can lead to weight gain.

3.If you eat 5-6 seeds of jamun at the same time, they can get stuck in your throat, due to which you can suffocate.

4.Jamun seeds are rich in vitamin-C, excessive consumption of which can upset your stomach and you may also have diarrhea.

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Disclaimer: The information here is based on general assumptions and what experts have said. Consult a doctor if you have any problems.

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