Psyllium Husk [Isabagol] Health Benefits and Side Effects

Nitin Walthare

Psyllium Husk Benefits and Side Effects

In this article, we discuss Psyllium Husk (Isabagol) Health Benefits and Side effects.

According to Ayurveda, it is a beneficial plant. It is used to get relief and avoid many health related problems. Scientists have also done many researches on it and found out about the medicinal properties and nutrients of Isabgol.

Isabgol is a bushy plant, which looks somewhat like a wheat plant. Its scientific name is Plantago ovata. It has wheat-like earrings at its ends. 

Its seeds have a white husk on top, which is called isabgol husk. From the husk of this isabgol to its leaves and flowers are used for many health related problems.

When the husk comes in the plant of Isabgol, then the plant is cut. If there is moisture in the soil, then the plant has to be uprooted. 

After this the Isabgol plant is dried in the sun. When this plant dries up, separate the seeds of isabgol from its earrings. 

It is then cleaned by separating the husk and the outer layer of the isabgol seed. It is also grinded 6 to 7 times to separate the husk.

Health Benefits of Psyllium Husk [Isabagol]:

1. For Weight Loss and Cholesterol Balance:

Isabgol can also be beneficial for weight loss . Here also the benefits of fiber present in it can be seen. 

Actually, consuming a diet rich in fiber keeps the stomach full for a long time, which reduces the urge to overeat. Thus, it can work to control weight.

2. For Digestion:

Good digestion is essential for a healthy body and isabgol can help with this. A research shows that isabgol has a laxative effect. 

This effect can help the digestive system function well. In addition, isabgol has also been used as a therapeutic agent for home remedies for constipation, diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome.

3.For Constipation Problem:

Constipation affects about 27% of the population. Isabgol can help in relieving this. Actually, isabgol has a laxative effect, which can make the process of stool easier and faster. 

Along with this, the reason for constipation is also the consumption of low fiber diet . According to a research published by NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information), isabgol contains both soluble and insoluble fiber. 

For this reason, isabgol is considered beneficial for stomach related problems like constipation.

The benefits of isabgol husk can also be seen to balance cholesterol levels . The mention of this thing is also available in a research. 

During the research, people suffering from cholesterol were given 5.1 grams for 8 weeks. As a result, people's levels of total and low-density lipoprotein, ie harmful cholesterol, were found to be lower.

4.For Heart Health:

The benefits of isabgol husk can also be seen for heart health. It can reduce the risk of heart diseases. 

It has been seen in research that isabgol has a good amount of fiber, due to which its consumption can control serum cholesterol . 

It is reported that increasing serum cholesterol may reduce the risk of heart disease.

5.Beneficial in Diabetes:

In the case of diabetes, it is very important to pay attention to the diet, so that the risk of diabetes can be reduced. 

According to a scientific research, isabgol contains fiber, which can help in controlling the condition of diabetes. 

Soluble fiber can reduce the absorption of glucose by about 12 percent. This can help control the amount of blood sugar.

6.For Hemorrhoids:

In the case of piles , the sufferer has pain along with the problem of bleeding during bowel movements. 

The benefits of isabgol husk can be in reducing the symptoms of this problem. Actually, by consuming isabgol husk, the fiber present in it can reduce bleeding during hemorrhoids. 

For this reason, Isabgol is considered helpful in reducing the symptoms of piles.

7.For Diarrhea and Stomach Cleansing:

There can be benefits of eating Isabgol even in the case of diarrhea . Actually, eating isabgol will supply fiber in the body, which can reduce the risk of diarrhea manifold. 

Colon Cleansing is also counted among the benefits of Isabgol. We have already mentioned that isabgol increases the amount of water in the intestine, which can cleanse the colon and promote its functioning.

8.To protect the intestines and excretory system:

The benefits of eating isabgol can also be seen to keep the intestines healthy. According to a scientific research done by experts, consumption of isabgol increases the amount of water in the intestine, which makes it easier to defecate. Along with this, the function of the intestine continues normally.

Side Effects of Psyllium Husk [Isabagol]:

1.Doctors say that if someone has difficulty in swallowing or intestinal problems, then he should not consume isabgol.

2.Isabgol contains fiber, consuming too much of it can also cause flatulence, bloating and abdominal cramps.

3.A diabetic patient must consult a doctor before consuming Isabgol. This may increase the risk of low blood sugar level (Hypoglycemia).

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Disclaimer: The information here is based on general assumptions and what experts have said. Consult a doctor if you have any problems.

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