Health Benefits and Side Effects of Tuna Fish

Nitin Walthare

Health Benefits and Side Effects of Tuna Fish

In this article, we discuss health benefits and side effects of Tuna fish.

Tuna is a special type of fish, also known as Tunny. This fish belongs to a species of fish called 'Thunnini'. 

There are many species of it around the world. Some of its species are believed to live up to 40 to 50 years. 

Apart from this, it also varies in size. Tuna fish mostly live in salt water. It is no less than anyone in terms of health benefits.

Now let's discuss health benefits of eating Tuna Fish.

Health Benefits of Tuna Fish:

1.Beneficial for Pregnant Women:

The benefits of tuna can also be seen for the health of pregnant women. It has been clearly told in a research that the consumption of tuna fish can be beneficial for pregnant and baby. 

Tuna fish contains omega-3 fatty acids, which may help protect pregnant women from the risk of heart disease. It can also be helpful in the development of the fetal brain and central nervous system. 

In addition, tuna fish consumption may have a positive effect on newborn weight at birth and the timing of pregnancy.

2.Aids in Weight Loss:

According to a research done on rats published on the website of NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information), the extract of boiled tuna fish has anti-obesity effect, which can play an important role in controlling weight. On this basis, it can be assumed that tuna fish can be helpful in reducing weight. 

3.Beneficial for the eyes:

Consumption of fish is considered beneficial to keep the eyes healthy. Tuna's name is also included in the list of those fish. 

A scientific research mentions that the consumption of fish, especially tuna, can have a positive effect on aging-related eye diseases such as age-related macular degeneration. However, further research is still needed on this topic.

4.To keep bones healthy:

According to a research published on the NCBI website, calcium and vitamin D play an important role in keeping bones healthy. Calcium can help build bones and vitamin D can help strengthen bones. 

Also calcium and vitamin D supplements may prove effective in reducing the risk of bone diseases and fractures such as osteoporosis. In this case, the consumption of tuna fish can be beneficial, as it is rich in both the mentioned nutrients.

5.Boost the Immune System:

Tuna fish consumption can play an important role in maintaining the body's immune system. Tuna fish contains omega-3 fatty acids, which can act as immunomodulatory agents in the body, which can have a positive effect on immune health.

6.Beneficial for the Heart:

The benefits of tuna fish can also be seen in maintaining heart health. According to a research published on the NCBI website, the benefits of tuna fish may also be for heart health. 

As we mentioned, tuna fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and this fatty can reduce the risk of heart disease.

7.Helpful in keeping breast cancer away:

Vitamin D deficiency can become a risk factor for breast cancer. As we mentioned above, tuna is also rich in vitamin-D along with other nutrients . At the same time, consuming enough vitamin-D can reduce the risk of breast cancer to a great extent.

However, more research is needed on how directly tuna fish would be beneficial for breast cancer. Therefore, our advice is that if someone is suffering from a fatal disease like cancer, then he must get treatment from a doctor. Sticking to home remedies alone is not the right decision.

8.Beneficial for skin:

The benefits of tuna fish for the skin can also be achieved. A research related to this has been told that tuna fish heart extract has some such effects, which can increase collagen synthesis in the skin. 

It also has anti-aging and anti-wrinkle properties, which may show positive effects in preventing the effects of aging on the skin. On this basis, it can be believed that the consumption of tuna fish can be beneficial for the skin.

Now let's discuss side effects of tuna fish.

Side Effects of Tuna Fish:

1.Those who are not used to eating fish may have problems related to digestion, but there is no scientific evidence for this yet.

2.Consuming fish in excess can cause harm instead of benefit, because excessive consumption of anything can cause side effects.

3.If fish is not cleaned properly before cooking, it can lead to infection.

4.According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), larger fish, including tuna, contain higher amounts of mercury than smaller fish. Fish containing mercury can impair the development of a baby's brain and nervous system during pregnancy and after birth. There is no doubt that eating fish during pregnancy can have benefits, but in some cases it can also carry a risk of harm. In such a situation, it is better to seek medical advice before consuming pregnant fish.

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