Health Benefits and Side Effects of Marula Oil

Nitin Walthare

Health Benefits and Side Effects of Marula Oil

In this article, we discuss health benefits and side effects of Marula Oil.

Health Benefits of Marula Oil:

1. For Brittle Nails:

Brittle nails are a problem related to nails . In this, the surface of the nail becomes rough and weak. This condition is commonly seen in elderly individuals. It is said that the problem of brittle nails can be due to dehydration in the nails. In this case, the moisturizing effect present in marula oil can prove to be helpful.

2. For Acne:

Marula oil can also be beneficial for acne . Actually, marula oil contains linolenic fatty acid. A research related to this mentions that linolenic acid can provide relief from the problem of acne . Apart from this, linolenic acid also works to moisturize the skin. This is the reason why it is used in many cosmetic products.

3. For Stretch Marks:

Stretch marks can be reduced by using marula oil. This is also mentioned in the website of NCBI (National Central for Biotechnology Information). According to research, marula oil can be used around wounds and for scars. It can prevent and treat scar tissue, the tissue that causes scars. In such a situation, marula oil can also be counted in the remedy to remove stretch marks.

4. To Reduce signs of Aging:

Marula oil can prove beneficial in reducing the signs of aging . Research suggests that marula oil contains antioxidants and linoleic acid. Antioxidants can reduce the signs of aging seen due to UV rays.

Speaking of linoleic acid, it exhibits antiaging effects. Also, a scientific research published on the NCBI website shows that extracts obtained from the stalks of marula have anti-aging effects, which can reduce signs of aging such as wrinkles.

5.To Keep Hair & Scalp Healthy:

There are many reasons behind hair loss and graying, one of which is oxidative stress. Here marula oil may prove beneficial to some extent, as it has antioxidant properties. This can help in curing hair and scalp problems caused by oxidative stress .

Also, a research published by NCBI mentions that due to the moisturizing effect of marula oil, it is used in many shampoos made for damaged, weak and dry hair. On this basis it can be said that marula oil is good for hair and scalp health.

6. Helpful in skin problems:

Marula oil has moisturizing and hydrating effects on the skin. Also linoleic acid is present in it. In addition to keeping the skin healthy, linoleic acid can help prevent and cure skin problems such as psoriasis (scaly skin), eczema (itching and rashes ), and acne. However, more research is needed to prove this.

7.To Keep Hair & Scalp Healthy:

There are many reasons behind hair loss and graying, one of which is oxidative stress. Here marula oil may prove beneficial to some extent, as it has antioxidant properties. This can help in curing hair and scalp problems caused by oxidative stress .

Also, a research published by NCBI mentions that due to the moisturizing effect of marula oil, it is used in many shampoos made for damaged, weak and dry hair. On this basis it can be said that marula oil is good for hair and scalp health.

Now let's discuss side effects of Marula oil.

Side Effects of Marula Oil:

1. Do a patch test before using marula oil. This will make it clear whether the skin is sensitive to marula oil.

2. The use of marula oil can cause allergic reactions in those with sensitive skin, which can cause swelling, redness and itching of the skin.

3. According to a research, marula oil has hypoglycemic properties. A decrease in blood pressure was found with the consumption of marula extract for three weeks. In such a situation, its use can reduce the blood pressure of those with normal blood pressure.

4. We have already told that marula oil has hypoglycemic properties. In such a situation, people who are taking blood pressure medicine should not use it, as it can cause their blood pressure to drop and they can feel energized.

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