Health Benefits and Side Effects of Wheatgrass Juice

Nitin Walthare

Health Benefits and Side Effects of wheatgrass juice

In this article, we discuss health benefits and side effects of wheatgrass juice.

Wheatgram juice is said to be beneficial in terms of health and many claims are also being made about it.

Health Benefits of Wheatgrass Juice:


Wheatgrass juice can also be used to lose weight. In small-scale clinical trials, it has been found beneficial in reducing obesity. Another research states that young wheatgrass and other chlorophyll plants are effective and safe in reducing weight. In such a situation, wheatgrass juice can prove beneficial in controlling weight.


According to a research paper, wheatgrass has a hypolipidemic effect, which can lower cholesterol. It has been reported in research that after giving wheatgrass juice to rats suffering from high cholesterol level problem i.e. hypercholesterolemia, it helped to excrete excess cholesterol through stool. According to another study, the choline compound present in it can reduce cholesterol levels.

3. Allergy Relief:

Wheatgrass juice is also considered beneficial for reducing allergies. A research paper has written that wheatgrass juice can reduce the effect of allergic rhinitis . In this, the chlorophyll present in wheatgrass is considered beneficial. Additionally, wheatgrass juice (MSM) can relieve sulfur allergies.

4.For Anemia:

Wheatgrass juice can prove beneficial in preventing anemia. A research related to this mentions that anemia is caused by not consuming nutritious diet . In such a situation, many enzymes including minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, amino acids present in wheatgrass can prove to be beneficial.

It also contains chlorophyll, which is similar to hemoglobin, as both are chromoproteins. For this reason wheatgrass is also called green blood. A research found that drinking fresh wheatgrass juice for 21 days can increase the amount of hemoglobin. In such a situation, people suffering from the problem of anemia can consume wheatgrass.

5.Inflammation Reduction:

Wheatgrass juice is also one of the ways to reduce inflammation . Wheatgrass is said to have an anti-inflammatory effect, which can reduce inflammation. Due to this effect, both swelling and pain related to joints can be reduced. Not only this, wheatgrass juice is also known to reduce inflammation caused by increasing uric acid levels.

6.For Hair:

The use of wheatgrass can also prove beneficial for the hair. The proteins present in it go into the body and break down in the form of amino acids. These amino acids may help keep hair healthy. It also contains zinc, which nourishes the hair. Not only this, wheatgrass juice can also protect hair from graying.

7.Blood Pressure:

Wheatgrass also controls blood pressure. The chlorophyll present in it is said to reduce high blood pressure. It has been described as a safe and effective way to regulate blood pressure. Not only high blood pressure, wheatgrass juice can also be drunk by people with normal blood pressure. In fact, it is known to reduce high levels as well as maintain normal blood pressure.

Now let's discuss side effects of wheatgrass juice.

Side Effects of Wheatgrass Juice:

1.Excess of wheatgrass juice can cause vomiting.

2.Some sensitive people may be allergic to wheatgrass juice.

3.Consuming it in excess can cause nausea.

4.Pregnant women should consume it only on the advice of the doctor.

5.Wheatgrass juice may cause swollen tongue in more sensitive people.

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